Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Brunswick Distribution Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Brunswick Distribution - Case Study Example Factors attributed to the current crisis vary. Brunswick Inc faces numerous challenges associated with marketing, finance, and operation. They include; 1) retailers’ interests to buy directly from manufacturers 2) growing direct competition from other distributors 3) manufacturers’ rigid attitude to credits 4) retailers’ delayed payments and 5) issues related to giving and taking orders. Bradley Pulaski, the vice president of operations suggests expanding the service area across the Midwest because according to him, the company still gets service requests from potential customers of that region. However, it demands the construction of a new warehouse as distribution from the current facility will cause delayed deliveries. Bradley’s proposal would cost a total $12 million for property, plant, and equipment. In contrast, Mariana Jackson, the vise president of logistic thinks that providing timely service is the vital part in order to retain the existing customers. It involves empowering the distribution system with web-based technology like call center and integrated information backup. He envisages that the improved system would make distribution more cost effective as it can save up to 16% in shipping expenses and 16% in labor expenses annually. Finding both options inappropriate to the situation, Alex Brunswick determines to use a 12% cost of capital as discount rate when making financial decisions. Among the three options, Mariana Jackson’s suggestion seems more relevant to the case. If the firm’s information system is enhanced, it can avoid unnecessary delays in customer service and deliveries. Pulaski’s option flaws as it doubles company’s financial burden. Since the company is unable to give timely delivery, expanding its coverage to Midwest will cause more troubles. In the same way, Alex’s decision is also not a sufficient strategy. Two things are

Monday, October 28, 2019

Surveys and Sampling Essay Example for Free

Surveys and Sampling Essay A. Identify the population and variables. Population is the whole group of Richmond buyers interested to buy a house. Variables are: location, price, bedrooms, bathrooms, sq.ft, and realtor B. Identify variables as categorical or quantitative. * Location is categorical variable * Price is quantitative variable * Bedrooms are quantitative variable * Baths are quantitative variable * Sq.Ft is quantitative variable * Realtor is categorical variable C. What are some possible population parameters of interest? The parameter in this case is the 182 listing in Richmond, some other options to be considered are: average house price ($310,381), house size, how many bedrooms and bathrooms, location of the house, who is it listed by and the city zone. D. What are some possible sample statistics that could be calculated from this data? It is not necessary to calculate the statistics, just identify them. Average price for houses based on the county location, average household income, preferable characteristic and taste of the house buyers E. What is the sampling frame for the sample? The sampling frame is randomly selected from the single-dwelling properties for sale in the Greater Richmond area shown on the website F. What is the sampling design? Systematic Random sampling (SRS) G. Are there any sources of bias in the sample? Yes – based on the data we have the direction of the bias source is over charged. H. If we had decided to use a Stratified Sampling design, what would be appropriate strata? We can collect the sample by the process of dividing houses of the population in Richmond area into homogeneous subgroups before sampling then select a random selection within each stratum then combine the result. I. Are there other factors not shown in the data set that may affect the price of a house? Land size, school zone, amenities, house features (garage, basement, pool, etc..)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

Volleyball is a very popular sport. It is played throughout the world on state, national, and international levels. The weight pressed on certain parts of a female athlete’s body can negatively affect her bone structure. The upper and lower appendages and the neck structure of female athletes have been known to experience detrimental effects when subjected to the loading modalities, and the different stages of menopause affect the bone mineral densities in specific parts of the bone structure in female athletes. Various sports have been shown to help develop higher bone masses at loaded bone sites. For example, high-impact and odd-impact loadings produce the strongest bone structure in the lower extremities, such as the legs; and high-magnitude loading produces the strongest bone structure in the upper extremities, such as the arms and torso. The lower extremities have the weight-bearing component, which is needed for the dynamic loading required, and muscle performance is primarily focused in the lower extremities. The upper extremities contain the nonweight-bearing component, but unlike the weight-bearing bones, no bone loss has been found (Nikander et al. 2006). A study was performed in order to better understand how different sports and their loadings on the bone structure affect muscle performance and joint moment, depending on the structures of the upper and lower extremities. The purpose of the study was to see if dense bone masses help construct stronger bone structures in athletes and if the nonweight-bearing upper extremity affects bone structure. The subjects that were tested consisted of one hundred and thirteen female athletes. These athletes were representative of volleyball, hurdling, tennis, badminton, squa... ... of the three menopausal stages experienced some bone loss, but the athletes were shown to have higher bone masses. The femoral neck was strengthened due to the different impact loadings on the area. The athletic training and history of volleyball players were a benefit to the bone mass and structure because there was not much loss or detrimental effects of these areas. The preconditioning of the athletes aided in how the bone structure would be affected by the different loading modalities. Like that of the bone structure of the nonathletic referents that were observed in the studies, bone structures at first could be severely affected by the high-impact and odd-impact loadings of volleyball. But, as athletes become used to the various loadings on different parts of their bodies, positive correlations between the loadings and the bone structure and mass occur.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Discrimination of Women in Soccer Essay

Gender discrimination and sexism in soccer is hurting many young talented female athletes and their dreams of becoming successful in soccer. Gender inequalities are obvious, but nobody takes the time to try to solve the problem. Media, sport authorities, and many others are responsible of the sexism in soccer. The discrimination among women in soccer is decreasing, but still are many things to solve and many girl dreams of becoming a soccer player totally ended. Male dominance in soccer has become a problem for female athletes, who in the hope of pursuing their dreams in soccer, have been discriminated and treated in an inferior way than males. Soccer is part of our culture, and whether you’re a fan or not, you could probably name one male soccer player. But could you name a women soccer player? Could you name Rachel Yankey? She has scored 17 goals for England National Team, the same as David Beckham, the star of England soccer team. Or could you name Maribel Dominguez? She migrated to USA when FIFA stopped her from playing soccer on a men’s soccer team in Mexico, and in her first year with the Atlanta Beat scored 17 goals and was awarded the Most Valuable Player of the tournament. But have you heard these names before? Women’s soccer has still a long way to go and evolve. According to Hughes (2011, March 11), media has a strong influence in what we see or what we don’t see and unfortunately just 2% of mainstream sports coverage is dedicated to women’s sport, so, how come people can learn or be interested about women’s soccer if sport shows don’t even give them a segment. Also is difficult to find information, matches results, or statistics of women’s competitions.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

“Barkley Fully Supports NBA`s New Dress Code”

This argument is intended to show that Charles Barkley, a major star in the National Basketball Association (NBA), supports the unpopular dress code then-recently established by the league. The writer intends to show that the dress code has support among the players and that there are good reasons to support the code.The writer apparently wants the reader to understand that 1) some basketball players support this new rule, 2) that the manner in which people dress can make a difference in their lives, and 3) that some professional athletes can and do act as role models to their young fans.2. The occasion for the argument is both present and future. The first occasion arises from the ongoing argument that athletes should be role models for their fans, of which the dress code is a part. The second occasion for the argument is future, in that the present change that the author would like to effect would have an effect at a future date. 3. This article argues fact, evaluation, and proposa l. It argues fact by describing the actual dress code and the evidence of the other basketball players’ behavior in response to it.It evaluates that behavior and the probable effect that inappropriate dress might have on teens. Finally, it proposes different behaviors for basketball players as a group. 4. The target audience for this article appears to be basketball fans, particularly teenagers and their parents. 5. This article makes appeals from of logos and ethos. The author argues logically, stating cause and effect in terms of both how basketball players’ examples have an effect on their fans and 2) how an individual dresses affects other people’s perception.In addition, it argues using ethos when the author describes the words and actions of Julius Irving and of Jay Leno. 6. Charles Barkley is making the argument, which the author is reporting. Because Barkley is a basketball player himself, he appears to be reliable and to make a valid argument. 7. The au thor attempts to make himself appear trustworthy by interviewing Charles Barkley for his article. In addition, he provides illustrations of other basketball players, possibly to indicate that he knows–or at least knows of–the players of which he writes.8. Because Barkley was a basketball star and is currently employed as a TNT commentator, his words are already have authority. In addition, the author cites Julius Irving, the tape of the Jay Leno show, and the facts and figures involved in Barkley’s charitable work and business. 9. The arguments made do not define what the â€Å"appropriate† forms of dress might be, either according to the dress code or according to society. Nor does the argument define what it means to dress like a basketball player, as opposed to what it means to dress like other people.In addition, the author does not describe how Charles Barkley himself dresses. 10. There is some attempt to argue the dress code from a racial perspectiv e. However, a better argument that is also touched on is that young fans look up to professional athletes, who should provide good examples for them. The argument attempts to serve the interests of the fans, but professional athletes also gain from it by their increased credibility in the eyes of the public if they dress â€Å"appropriately. † 11. The argument is framed by the discussion of the filming of the Jay Leno segment.It is arranged as a story within a story, in which the author discusses a conversation that takes place during the event that he describes in the opening of the article. 12. The language of the article is straightforward and simple and addresses a topic that the audience cares about. It appeals to the audience by making its points in an easy to understand fashion. Work Cited Stewart, Larry. â€Å"Barkley Fully Supports NBA’s New Dress Code. † Name of Textbook, Editor name (ed. ). City of Publication: Publishing House, date. 729-730.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Twelfth Night - Analysis of Fools Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

Twelfth Night - Analysis of Fools Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Twelfth Night - Analysis of Fools A fool can be defined in many meanings according to the Oxford English Dictionary On Historical Principles. The word could mean "a silly person", or "one who professionally counterfeits folly for the entertainment of others, a jester, clown" or "one who has little or no reason or intellect" or "one who is made to appear to be a fool" (word originated from North Frisian). In english literature, the two main ways which the fool could enter imaginative literature is that "He could provide a topic, a theme for mediation, or he could turn into a stock character on the stage, a stylized comic figure". In William Shakespeare's comedy, Twelfth Night, Feste the clown is not the only fool who is subject to foolery. He and many other characters combine their silly acts and wits to invade other characters that "evade reality or rather realize a dream", while "our sympathies go out to those". "It is natural that the fool should be a prominent & attractive figure and make an impor tant contribution to the action" in forming the confusion and the humor in an Elizabethan drama. In Twelfth Night, the clown and the fools are the ones who combine humor & wit to make the comedy work. Clowns, jesters, and Buffoons are usually regarded as fools. Their differences could be of how they dress, act or portrayed in society. A clown for example, "was understood to be a country bumpkin or ' cloun '". In Elizabethan usage, the word 'clown' is ambiguous "meaning both countryman and principal comedian". Another meaning given to it in the 1600 is "a fool or jester". As for a buffoon, it is defined as "a man whose profession is to make low jests and antics postures; a clown, jester, fool". The buffoon is a fool because "although he exploits his own weaknesses instead of being exploited by others....he resembles other comic fools". This is similar to the definition of a 'Jester' who is also known as a "buffoon, or a merry andrew . One maintained in a prince's court or nobleman's household". As you can see, the buffoon, jester and the clown are all depicted as fools and are related Feste's role in this Illyrian comedy is significant because "Illyria is a country permeated with the spirit of the Feast of Fools, where identities are confused, 'uncivil rule' applauded...and no harm is done". "In Illyria therefore the fool is not so much a critic of his environment as a ringleader, a merry-companion, a Lord of Misrule. Being equally welcome above and below stairs .." makes Feste significant as a character. In Twelfth Night, Feste plays the role of a humble clown employed by Olivia's father playing the licensed fool of their household. We learn this in Olivia's statement stating that Feste is "an allowed fool"(I.v.93) meaning he is licensed, privileged critic to speak the truth of the people around him. We also learn in a statement by Curio to the Duke that Feste is employed by Olivia's father. " Feste the jester... a fool that the Lady Olivia's father took much pleasure in"(II.iv.11). Feste is more of the comic truth of the comedy. Although he does not make any profound remarks, he seems to be the wisest person within all the characters in the comedy. Viola remarks this by saying "This fellow's wise enough to play the fool"(III.i.61). Since Feste is a licensed fool, his main role in Twelfth Night is to speak the truth. This is where the humor lies, his truthfulness. In one example he proves Olivia to be a true fool by asking her what she was mourning about. The point Feste tried to make was why was Olivia mourning for a person who's soul is in heaven? "CLOWN Good madonna , why mourn'st thou? OLIVIA Good Fool, for my brother's death. CLOWN I think his soul is in hell, madonna . OLIVIA I know his soul is in heaven, fool. CLOWN The more

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on John Mill

The struggle between liberty and authority in On Liberty can be categorized under two headings with the first demonstrating adverse force between liberty and authority and the second showing authoritative forms operating without a necessarily antagonistic manner alongside liberty. â€Å" The struggle between liberty and authority is the most conspicuous feature in the portions of history with which we are earliest familiar,†(662). This statement by John Mill reflects his view of the adverse position held by the ruler over the ruled. The ruler whether in the form of king, queen, or group of governing powers was necessary to ensure that persons were not preyed upon or harmed by other members of the community. However, the ruling body itself might following their own agenda when it conflicted with that of ruled be motivated to prey upon such members of the population. While the ruler would did indeed substantially lessen the number of weaker predators that a citizen might be subject to, it became evident that the ruler itself would become the most powerful and worried about predator of all. Liberty then came to be defined as the citizen’s ability to circumvent or limit the power that the ruler or governing body could employ over them. This goal was attempted in two ways, with the first being to establish certain inalienable rights that offered immunity against certain actions that the governing body was restricted from taking. In the case that one of these forbidden action was pursued by the ruler, then this would warrant just cause for â€Å"specific resistance† (663) or rebellion against such rule. The second and more recent of these attempts was the formulation of certain checks and balances of power where the general population or representative’s permission or approval had to be obtained before certain important governmental actions are taken. The first of these two sought after limitations, the ruling body was often subj e... Free Essays on John Mill Free Essays on John Mill The struggle between liberty and authority in On Liberty can be categorized under two headings with the first demonstrating adverse force between liberty and authority and the second showing authoritative forms operating without a necessarily antagonistic manner alongside liberty. â€Å" The struggle between liberty and authority is the most conspicuous feature in the portions of history with which we are earliest familiar,†(662). This statement by John Mill reflects his view of the adverse position held by the ruler over the ruled. The ruler whether in the form of king, queen, or group of governing powers was necessary to ensure that persons were not preyed upon or harmed by other members of the community. However, the ruling body itself might following their own agenda when it conflicted with that of ruled be motivated to prey upon such members of the population. While the ruler would did indeed substantially lessen the number of weaker predators that a citizen might be subject to, it became evident that the ruler itself would become the most powerful and worried about predator of all. Liberty then came to be defined as the citizen’s ability to circumvent or limit the power that the ruler or governing body could employ over them. This goal was attempted in two ways, with the first being to establish certain inalienable rights that offered immunity against certain actions that the governing body was restricted from taking. In the case that one of these forbidden action was pursued by the ruler, then this would warrant just cause for â€Å"specific resistance† (663) or rebellion against such rule. The second and more recent of these attempts was the formulation of certain checks and balances of power where the general population or representative’s permission or approval had to be obtained before certain important governmental actions are taken. The first of these two sought after limitations, the ruling body was often subj e...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Learn How To Make Money Freelance Writing Online

Learn How To Make Money Freelance Writing Online Learn How To Make Money Freelance Writing Online Learn How To Make Money Freelance Writing Online By Ali Hale The Internet completely changed the freelance writing landscape. For some people (those who were freelance writers before), these changes are scary. For others (those who are getting started), they are quite exciting. In my opinion there has never been a better time to be a freelance writer, and that is why we decided to launch the DWT Freelance Writing Course earlier this year. Today we are opening the doors to new students again (if you want to join us click on the link above). The course is a six-week program designed to teach you everything you need to know about making money freelance writing online. You’ll get written lessons every week (that you access on a special members’ site). They’ll cover: Week #1 Maximizing Your Productivity to Multiply Your Profits: During the first week youll learn techniques you can use to increase your productivity as a writer – if you can write fast without sacrificing quality, you’ll massively increase your earnings. Week #2 Website Setup, Promotion and Guest Blogging: Setting up your own freelancing website and building up your online writing credentials – essential if you want to be taken seriously and land online gigs. Week #3 Writing Content For The Web: Writing for the web is a totally different beast, and in this module youll learn techniques that can set you apart from other freelance writers. Week #4 Finding Clients and Developing High Paying Jobs: Finding great clients and high-paying jobs is probably the biggest challenge any freelance writer will face. The information provided in this module will help you overcome this challenge. Week #5 Running A Freelance Writing Business: Running your business effectively – because if you can’t communicate well with clients or if you miss deadlines, you’ll soon find yourself out of work. Week #6 Using Social Media To Promote Yourself: Social media is already considered an important part of modern marketing. In this module youll learn how to use it to promote yourself and land more clients. Three years ago my life changed forever when I left my day job to become a full-time freelance writer. Now, I get to do what I love all day long. This course teaches you exactly how I did it – so that you can do the same. And you won’t be alone. You’ll be taking the course as part of a whole group of writers (hundreds of them!). You’ll have a forum where you can get to know them – and where you can get advice and support directly from me, whenever you need it. So that everyone can go through the course together, though, we are keeping the doors open for 72 hours only, until midnight (GMT) this Friday, September 30. If this is what you’ve been waiting for click here to read all the details and join us. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing Prompts 101Expanded and ExtendedQuiet or Quite?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Case study on Biochemistry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case study on Biochemistry - Essay Example When the cycle is incomplete, and the product is not formed, the function of the organism cannot properly take place. Without enzymes, the reactions needed for biological processes of the body would take at a slower rate or fail to take place. This is detrimental to the well-being of the organism involved. One of the most important enzymatic actions is the breakdown of fructose. This is a simple sugar found in some of foods such as fruit and honey. This is essential as it plays an immense role in supply of energy for the body. However, fructose is not a direct source of energy, but enzymes are required to breakdown fructose into a reliable energy. After eating, catabolism of fructose takes place through fructolysis. The process begins with the enzyme fructokinase and produces fructose 1-phosphate as a product. The second step is enhanced by aldose. This enzyme breaks down fructose 1-phosphate into two products: dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and glyceraldehydes. The products enter the process of glycolysis to ensure the body gets its energy requirement and extra glucose. The absence of enzymes necessary for the breakdown of fructose leads to poor response of the body with repeated ingestion of foods containing fructose (NLM, 2011). Explain how a deficiency in aldolase B can be responsible for hereditary fructose intolerance. Aldolase B plays a significant role in the breakdown of fructose. The absence of the enzyme leads to accumulation of fructose-1-phosphate in the liver cells (NLM, 2011). The accumulation of this substance is toxic, and overtime leads to the death of liver cells (Breakspear Medical Group Ltd, n.d.). Additionally, fructose-1-phosphate fails to release the phosphate group required for repeated ATP production and control of stored sugar (NLM, 2011). Several defects arise due to death of liver cells and low number of phosphate groups. They include hypoglycemia, liver abnormalities, and other forms of hereditary fructose intolerance (NLM, 2011 ). Provide clearly labeled diagrams to demonstrate: Diagram lock and key models of enzymatic activity. Diagram showing how enzymes function as a lock and key. Diagram the effect of enzymes on activation energy. Discuss the specific substrate acted on by aldolase B. Enzymes are usually specific in nature. They only act to a unique substrate. Aldolase B also demonstrates this uniqueness. Fructose-1-phosphate (F1P) is acted upon by aldolase B. This is the only enzyme that binds on F1P as its substrate. The breakdown leads to the formation of two products that are further metabolized to produce glucose, lactate and uric acid (NLM, 2011). Explain the role of aldolase B in the breakdown of fructose. Aldose B plays an essential role in the breakdown of fructose. The enzyme breaks down fructose-1-phosphate into dihydrooxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and glyceraldehydes (NLM, 2011). The two products enter the process of glycolisis to answer to body requirements for energy, or increased level of glucose. B. Case two Explain what would happen to the amount of energy available to a cell if the entire Cori cycle occurred and remained within that single cell (i.e., a muscle cell). In the skeletal muscles, there are few mitochondria, and yet they consume a lot of energy. This leads to depletion of oxygen and the muscles are forced to operate without oxygen. The Cori cycle is essential as it links this process with gluconeogenesis in the liver. This means that the lactate produced by the muscle cells travels through the blood into the liver

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ratio analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ratio analysis - Coursework Example Assets turnover ratio measures the amount of revenue generated from assets owned by the company. A decreasing trend because of reducing sales implies that promotions and advertising of sales must be done (Gibson and Gibson 187). The debt to income ratio measures the level of total income to that of total assets of the company. The company’s increasing ratio of 0.01% means that the both assets and sales are on the rise. Debt to equity ratio increases in the current year which means a lesser risk to the potential shareholders of the company. The investment potential of the company is safer for the likely investors. Competitors in the same industry are competing fairly with the company. The higher the higher the interest cover means improved ability of the company to pay its obligations. The company has enough chance to bear the amount of its prevailing finance cost. From its assets turnover ratio, the company is not optimizing the use of its assets. The company cannot generate more sales with any fewer assets. Decreasing asset turnover ratio means a negative impact on the return on equity (Gibson and Gibson

Discussion 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion 1 - Essay Example However, the higher order cultural functions are differentiated in most instances between various human cultures. This indicates that basic human cultural behavior is similar across cultures but more complex human behavior across cultures is differentiated. Consequently, as human beings tend to live together in different societies around the world, there higher order behaviors tend to vary significantly from each other. The large difference between human cultures across the globe lends credence to the argument that human behavior is more impacted by culture than biology. There are several examples from within our own cultures to support this contention. For example, my culture is similar to other cultures when it comes to obeying the law. People who do not obey the law are subject to punishment in order to enforce collective good. However, when the composition of these laws is considered along with what constitutes a crime, it becomes clear that these are differentiated from other cultures. This again serves to prove that lower order cultural functions are similar to each other while cultural complexes are differentiated from each

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Children of Heaven Film Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Children of Heaven Film Analysis - Essay Example For example, the designing of houses in areas lived by the poor is different from the ones lived by the rich. The houses in areas lived by the poor families are crowded leaving a small area between one house to the next. In the case of the areas lived by the rich, the buildings are scattered leaving a large space from one building to the next building (Children of Heaven). The road network in the urban area depends with the individuals living in the area. There are narrow streets in the areas of residence of the poor; since the common mode of transport is either by foot or using bicycles. However, in areas occupied by the rich, the roads are wide to accommodate even parking for vehicles. There is good utilization of land in the area since, if a land is not occupied by a building, then there would be trees, fish ponds, or flowers occupying the space. For example, in the school compound, it is either the land is occupied by trees or buildings. The roads connecting to other areas are we ll constructed with trees on either side. The design of houses differs in the area. There are small houses and big houses depending on the area. The small, affordable houses are found in areas occupied by the poor while enormous buildings are found in the areas occupied by the rich (Children of Heaven). ... There is no water problem in the areas of residence. The area is well served with a sewerage system, which keeps the urban area clean. For example, this is well depicted when one of the shoes of Ali’s sister falls in sewage water. The sewage is not stagnant but flowing. The urban area is well covered with street lights that provide lighting during the night. The urban area where the rich reside is well covered with trees, which gives an aspect of a well preserved environment. The urban area is not overpopulated, and finding traffic jams is not possible. The urban environment is clean with no duping. Planting of trees on either sides of the roads provide a serene environment. The urban environment is well suited for agriculture in some areas. This is seen where Ali’s father gets a gardening job in the rich city area. The environment supports rearing of fish, which is depicted by the presence of fish ponds in the movie (Children of Heaven). Most vehicles are found in the rich city, but the roads are wide thus, eliminating the possibility of traffic jams. From the movie, it is evident that the people in the urban area have a culture. The schools in the area seem to be dominated by Muslims. Hence, the people practice Islamic culture. There are less childcare practices; this is evident where Ali and her sister are left alone to attend their homework. The people of the area seek medical assistance from qualified doctors. This is seen when Ali’s mother attends hospital for treatment. The people in the area have a culture of being educated (Children of Heaven). This is evidenced by the presence of a school that children of the area attend. The people have different ways of constructing their houses. The presence of fish ponds indicates that the

Superstition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Superstition - Essay Example This accounts for the reason for the persistence of superstition. With the advancement of times, there has been expansion of knowledge and science has served to provide for explanations that were not previously known. Despite of this, superstition is still present in the society. Superstitious beliefs are influenced by people who are close to us which include family members and friends. These beliefs are also influenced by the cultural norms. My mother is a believer of a superstition that is known as missing teeth dream. She believes that when a person dreams about loose, rotten, or missing teeth, it indicates that a family member or a close friend is very sick or even near death. Her belief was further strengthened when five years ago she dreamt of falling teeth. One of her relatives died due to a rare disease just a few weeks after her dream. She also narrates an incident when her friend had a similar dream of missing teeth which was followed by the death of her niece from malaria. This belief was passed on to my mother from my grandmother and it was further strengthened by her neighbour who also upheld this superstitious belief. This superstition was very famous in my local culture. One of my very close friends also believed in this superstition. She told me that she had a missing teeth dream which was soon followed by the death of her uncle due to a heart attack. I am sure that if she sees a similar dream again, she would be very worried and would call her closed ones to ensure that they are safe and in good health. I had a similar dream too and it made me worried as well. But I tried to ignore it and no untoward happening occurred following my dream. The superstition about the missing teeth dream has been found in many cultures which include the Egyptian and the Greek culture. It is also believed upon in many Asian countries. My friend who resides in Malaysia held a similar belief about

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Children of Heaven Film Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Children of Heaven Film Analysis - Essay Example For example, the designing of houses in areas lived by the poor is different from the ones lived by the rich. The houses in areas lived by the poor families are crowded leaving a small area between one house to the next. In the case of the areas lived by the rich, the buildings are scattered leaving a large space from one building to the next building (Children of Heaven). The road network in the urban area depends with the individuals living in the area. There are narrow streets in the areas of residence of the poor; since the common mode of transport is either by foot or using bicycles. However, in areas occupied by the rich, the roads are wide to accommodate even parking for vehicles. There is good utilization of land in the area since, if a land is not occupied by a building, then there would be trees, fish ponds, or flowers occupying the space. For example, in the school compound, it is either the land is occupied by trees or buildings. The roads connecting to other areas are we ll constructed with trees on either side. The design of houses differs in the area. There are small houses and big houses depending on the area. The small, affordable houses are found in areas occupied by the poor while enormous buildings are found in the areas occupied by the rich (Children of Heaven). ... There is no water problem in the areas of residence. The area is well served with a sewerage system, which keeps the urban area clean. For example, this is well depicted when one of the shoes of Ali’s sister falls in sewage water. The sewage is not stagnant but flowing. The urban area is well covered with street lights that provide lighting during the night. The urban area where the rich reside is well covered with trees, which gives an aspect of a well preserved environment. The urban area is not overpopulated, and finding traffic jams is not possible. The urban environment is clean with no duping. Planting of trees on either sides of the roads provide a serene environment. The urban environment is well suited for agriculture in some areas. This is seen where Ali’s father gets a gardening job in the rich city area. The environment supports rearing of fish, which is depicted by the presence of fish ponds in the movie (Children of Heaven). Most vehicles are found in the rich city, but the roads are wide thus, eliminating the possibility of traffic jams. From the movie, it is evident that the people in the urban area have a culture. The schools in the area seem to be dominated by Muslims. Hence, the people practice Islamic culture. There are less childcare practices; this is evident where Ali and her sister are left alone to attend their homework. The people of the area seek medical assistance from qualified doctors. This is seen when Ali’s mother attends hospital for treatment. The people in the area have a culture of being educated (Children of Heaven). This is evidenced by the presence of a school that children of the area attend. The people have different ways of constructing their houses. The presence of fish ponds indicates that the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Questions - Assignment Example It has also made researchers lazy to go to the field and get first-hand research results. The audience accessing education has drastically increased hence much knowledge and skills are being acquired. On the other hand, false information is also found on the internet hence may be misleading to people who are learning. It has been easy for teachers to use the internet to elaborate their point in class and motivate their students. I second the statement to focus technology on e-learning delivery methods in public school districts. E learning is one of the flexible ways for students to participate in learning. In addition, it reduces congestion in schools and the need for the teacher to concentrate too much on the subject matter. With e learning, it is possible to have ready notes right in seconds and attend to assignments and researches. E learning holds the importance of educational opportunities across the globe for vast audiences of learners. Most students in higher learning institutions are proficient in computer uses and skilled at internet navigation. It is a method of acquiring knowledge whose performance is influenced by various factors such as student’s perception regarding ability to do tasks ad achieve goals, motivation to explore, and knowledge desire. Internet has been a source of motivation to learners since it is flexible, diverse and broad (Chang et. al, 2014). The positive aspects of these effects is that learning is interesting and learners are not pushed to engage in learning activities but on the other hand it has brought so much laziness amongst the students and reliance on information that is not true. Constructivism is a significant dominant pedagogy that applies in the e-learning process. It encourages students to build their own knowledge base regarding individual experience. It is considered the ideal aspect of e learning.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Private School vs Public School Essay Example for Free

Private School vs Public School Essay Many public school facilities are impressive others are mediocre. The same is true of private schools. In the public school system, the twin engines of political support and economic revenue base are critical. In private schools the ability to attract endowments and other forms of financial support are just as critical. Private school facilities reflect the success of the schools development team and that of the school to continue to generate alumni support. Some private K-12 schools have facilities and amenities which surpass those found at many colleges and universities. Hotchkiss and Andover, for example, have libraries and athletic facilities on a par with those at Brown and Cornell. They also offer academic and sports programs which make full use of all those resources. It is hard to find comparable facilities in the public sector. They are few and far between. Public schools also reflect the economic realities of their location. Wealthy suburban schools will have more amenities than inner city schools as a rule. Think Greenwich, Connecticut versus Detroit, Michigan, for example. So, who has the edge? Lets call it a draw, all things considered. Class Size: According to the NCES report Private Schools: A Brief Portrait private schools win out on this issue. Why? Most private schools have small class sizes. One of the key points of private education is individual attention. You need student to teacher ratios of 15:1 or better to achieve that goal of individual attention. On the other hand a public system has to take almost anyone who lives within its boundaries. In public schools you will generally find much larger class sizes, sometimes exceeding 35-40 students in some inner city schools. At that point teaching rapidly degenerates into babysitting. Teaching: Public sector teachers are generally better paid. Naturally compensation varies widely depending on the local economic situation. Put another way, its cheaper living in Duluth, Minnesota than it is in San Francisco. Unfortunately low starting salaries and small annual salary increases result in low teacher retention in many public school districts. Public sector benefits have historically been excellent; however, health and pension costs have risen so dramatically since 2000 that public educators will be forced to pay or pay more for their benefits. Private school compensation tends to be somewhat lower than public. Again, much depends on the school and its financial resources. One private school benefit found especially in boarding schools is housing and meals. Private school pension schemes vary widely. Many schools use major pension providers such as TIAA-CREF Both public and private schools require their teachers to be credentialed. This usually means a degree and a teaching certificate. Private schools tend to hire teachers with advanced degrees in their subject over teachers who have an education degree. Put another way, a private school hiring a Spanish teacher will want that teacher to have a degree in Spanish language and literature as opposed to an education degree with a minor in Spanish. Budgets: Since local property taxes support the bulk of public education, the annual school budget exercise is a serious fiscal and political business. In poor communities or communities which have many voters living on fixed incomes, there is precious little room to respond to budget requests within the framework of projected tax revenue. Grants from foundations and the business community are essential to creative funding. Private schools on the other hand can raise tuition, and they also can raise significant amounts of money from a variety of development activities, including annual appeals, cultivation of alumni and alumnae, and solicitation of grants from foundations and corporations. The strong allegiance to private schools by their alumni makes the chances of fund-raising success a real possibility in most cases. Administrative Support: The bigger the bureaucracy, the harder it is to get decisions made at all, much less get them made quickly. The public education system is notorious for having antiquated work rules and bloated bureaucracies. This is as a result of union contracts and host of political considerations. Private schools on the other hand generally have a lean management structure. Every dollar spent has to come from operating income and endowment income. Those resources are finite. The other difference is that private schools rarely have teacher unions to deal with. Advantages and disadvantages: There are many advantages and disadvantages to both public and private schools. As a parent, both options must be explored and the choice must be based on what is right for each particular child. Public schools often have a larger variety of subjects available, especially when it comes to electives. However, what is learned is somewhat decided by the state because public schools need to do well on standardized testing. Private schools, on the other hand, whether parochial or private have much more freedom of choice in curriculum and can choose to make their own assessments. Because of the individualized instruction, private schools tend to do generally better on standardized testing, that is, if they choose to use it. Private schools, many times, have more demanding curricula and have a higher rate of students who go on to attend college. Public schools are larger and also have larger class sizes. Public schools also have larger student-teacher ratios. According to a web site called Public School Review, Private schools average 13 students per teacher, compared with an average of 16 students per teacher in public schools (public school review). However, public schools have certified teachers. Private schools typically have teachers who are not state-certified and who may not have expertise in their subject matter. The biggest difference between public and private schools probably is that public schools are required to educate all students. They cannot deny any student admission. On the other hand, private schools have complete control about which they accept and can kick students out much more easily. Public schools are funded by tax revenue whereas private schools are funded privately. That means private schools cost money to attend called tuition. Taxpayers pay for public schools so the payment is included in what people pay. However in private schools, the payment is upfront for students to attend. Overall, there is no one right answer for which kind of school a student attends-public or private. The decision must be made for each individual student as there are advantages and disadvantages of both. Comparisons: Private school can be more beneficial than going to a public school. Private schools focus on preparing students for the next level of education; public schools are focused on test preparations sessions. Choosing the right school system for your child has a repercussion towards their future education. In the public school system the classrooms are overcrowded with students. Each class has an average of 27 to 30 students to it, which can limit the ability of one on one interaction with the teacher. A lot of the bullying issues come from the unstructured dress codes. This can create social divide to the less fortunate kids that can’t afford all the name brand items. In public school teachers are quick to say your child needs to be on medication if they are high strung, without knowing what other forms of issues might be occurring in the home. When parents try to discipline their child at home the school seems to always try to step in. Some things should be up to the parents to handle without haven to worry about the school stepping in. In the private school system when a child enters the school for the first time he or she will start out with a minimal class size with no more than 20 students. This allows more one on one time with the teacher, it also opens up more time for activities. The private school has a very strictly enforced dress code to eliminate animosity between the students. The schools are very family oriented with parents and students being involved with school activities. Teachers and parents are held to higher standards from the private schools. Teachers are expected to continue to grow and parents are obligated to maintain discipline of their children even in their absence. The testing that takes place at private schools is called Terra Nova, and kids are tested two or three times a year. Conclusion So, who comes out on top? Public schools or private schools As you can see, there are no clear-cut answers or conclusions. Public schools have their advantages and disadvantages. Private schools offer an alternative. Which works best for you? Thats the real question which you have to answer.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Importance Of Dams To Water Quality Environmental Sciences Essay

The Importance Of Dams To Water Quality Environmental Sciences Essay Water plays an exceptional significant role in the economy and in the life of all countries. It is of vital importance for the existence of people, animals and vegetation. The settling of people in different regions of earth has always been closely dependant on the possibilities for water supply parallel to those providing with food, shelter and heat. The increase in the population, development and enrichment of mankind in number of places has reached a level at which the water supply needed for the population, industry, irrigation and production of electric power has been brought to a critical point. Only one-fifth of the fresh water which is available is suitable for human consumption. There is uneven distribution of water regarding space, time and quality. That is why artificial redistribution of water is needed by undertaking expensive engineering in order to obtain water for given place in a defined quantity and quality. Definition of Dam Dam is a manmade barrier constructed to contain flow of water built across a river, lake, sea forming a reservoir behind it. They are mostly constructed from earth, natural materials, concrete rocks. Types of dams:- Arch dams Arch dams are made from concrete. They are curved in the shape of an arch, with the top of the arch pointing back into the water. Arch dams are usually constructed in narrow, steep valleys. They like all dams need good rock for their foundations, to resist the force of water on the dam. An arch shape is used for resisting the pushing force of the flowing water behind the dam. Buttress dams These dams are made from concrete masonry or both. The watertight upstream side supported is by triangular shaped walls, called buttresses. The buttresses are spaced at regular intervals on the downstream side. They resist the force of the reservoir water trying to push the dam over. The buttress dam was developed from the idea of the gravity dam, except that buttress dam uses a lot less because there are a lot of empty spaces between the buttress dams. Like gravity dams, they are made to suit to both narrow and wide valleys and they must be constructed on stable rock. Since 1945, 14 buttress dams have been constructed in the UK, mainly for hydroelectric schemes in Scotland. Cross-section through gravity dam ( Gravity dams -A gravity dam is made from concrete or masonry, or sometimes both. It is called a gravity dam because gravity is the force that holds it down to the ground stopping the water in the reservoir pushing it over. Cross-section through gravity dam A cross-section (or slice) through a gravity looks roughly like a triangular shape. Gravity dams are mostly used at sites which have narrow valleys, but they do need to be built on a stable rock. They can be constructed fairly on any terrain. There are more than 260 gravity dams in Britain. Masonry was used in many early dams, as far back as the 17th Century. However, concrete became more common from about 1900. Embankment dams their main features- There are several types of embankment dams; the designs have varying degree of inbuilt conservation. For e.g. Relating to the degree of seepage within the dam which is controlled by provision of filters and drains The use of free draining rock fill in embankment , The control of foundation seepage by grouting, drainage and cut-off constructions. The shape of dam looks like a small hill or pile. The hill or the pile is made up of impermeable  [1]  material, so that the water cannot pipe through the dam. The core of the dam is made up of clay or asphalt concrete; these types of dams are mostly used on wide valleys. The wide base helps water to exert less pressure on the foundation of the dams this is the main reason these dams could be built on soft soil. There are two types of embankment dams earth filled dam rock filled dam For rock filled dams the rock pieces are cut precisely to form a dam. Earth filled dams rock filled dams can further be divided into different categories of dams:- Concrete earth fill- Concrete is used in the core of dam as impermeable material. Asphaltic core rock fill-This type of dam is build with asphalt core (i.e. rock gravel) as the main fill material in the dam. Bituminous concrete face earth and rock fill-Bituminous concrete membrane is used in the water barrier for a dam as it is easy to maintain and economical viable. Types of spillways Spillways are structures which are found on or near dams, these structures are used when reservoir is full to pass floodwater safely, and in a controlled way, across a dam. There are 3 types of spillways:- Overflow spillway- These types of spillways are mostly created on gravity dam or a buttress dam. The spillway section in these dams are lower than the other sections of the dam allowing water to flow over its top and down from the front face of the dam. Side channel spillway- These types of spillways are used mainly with embankment dams. They are just located upstream and towards the side of the embankment dam. The water flows over the spillway, into a side channel of the dam and flows out safely through a tunnel Shaft spillways- This type of spillways is also known as Morning Glory, this spillway resembles like inverted funnel over a tower which looks like a shaft in the reservoir as soon as the water level rises in the reservoir it falls into the shaft and it is removed through the bottom of shaft via a tunnel. Shaft Spillway ( How are dams built? To build a dam some sequence of events are required for building the foundations of the dam and creating a reservoir. Dam is usually constructed across a river to create a reservoir in the valley which helps in storing the water that flows into it naturally. Sometimes, they are built across dry valleys, or valleys with small streams, to create a storage area for water that is transported from elsewhere. (I)Diverting the river flow from the site Streams and rivers are diverted to create a dry land for the construction of the dam. Small rivers, streams or canals are usually diverted through a tunnel, or a channel that is constructed around the side of the dam. Soft soils and rocks are removed to make a route, while harder rocks have to be blasted with explosives, to loosen up the soil and form soft debris. If dams are built across wide rivers with large volumes of flowing water. It would be impracticable and too expensive to construct a separate channel or a tunnel to divert the flow of water. Instead, a dry construction pit is formed on one side of the river, leaving the other side open for the water to flow through. The first portion of the dam is constructed in the dry pit. When it is finished, another dry area is formed on the other side of the river, and the remaining part of the dam is built. Meanwhile, the river flows through openings in the completed portion of the dam, and the reservoir can start to fill behind it ( (ii)Constructing a foundation for the dam-A dam is usually built on a soil or on a hard rock foundation, different foundations are used depending on the type of dam and type of topography  [2]  around it. The foundation needs to be strong enough to hold and maintain the weight, structure of the dam, and the force of water pressure acting on the walls of the dam. The dam foundation generally needs to be below the ground level of the dam. To construct foundation soft soil and rocks need to be removed by excavation, drilling or by blasting rocks with explosives. Rarely, areas of weaker soils or rocks are found below the planned foundation level of the dam and this need to be removed and replaced with stronger materials for a stronger foundation. Some rock foundations have crevices  [3]  and fissures  [4]  in them. These have to be filled with grout or sealing material to stop water seeping out from the reservoir through the cracks, once the dam is made. This is usually done by drilling holes down into the weak rock with cracks and by pumping grout in them, which spreads outwards to fill up the cracks and making the rock hard. (iii)Building a dam (structure) -There are two major types of dam constructions (i) Concrete dams (ii) Embankment dams Concrete dams-As limited amount of concrete is required in a concrete dam, the concrete is mixed together in a special building called a concrete batching plant, which is built near the dam site. Sometimes for very large dams, there can be a number of batching plants. The concrete in the dam is placed by two different methods. (a) Pouring concrete -The traditional method of constructing a dam is to pour a wet mixture of concrete into a mould made in the required shape of the dam. The mould is usually made from sheets of timber it is also known as formwork. The mould is not made to the full length and breadth of the dam, as the dam is built upwards in small stages of about 1 to 2 metres at a time. The concrete is left to dry and harden before they can work on the next section on the top. The concrete needs to be transferred from the batching plant to the dam this can be done by number of methods. Like a system of conveyor belts is used from the batching plant to the dam site or sometimes the concrete is taken by the trucks to the dam site from where it is poured into skips which are then lifted to the top of the dam by cranes and poured. (b) Compacting concrete with rollers- Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) dams are formed by spreading a dry layer of mix of concrete and compacting and mashing it down using a heavy steel rollers. The dam is raised slowly step by step to about 600 mm. The edges of the dams are formed first, by making low concrete walls on the upstream and downstream sides of the dam. Concrete is then moved to the area between the walls and spread in a thin layer using bulldozers. Rollers are then driven over the concrete to compact it down and harden it up. (iv)Filling up the reservoir with water (v)Testing that does the floodgates and valves work (vi) Monitoring and recording the behaviour of newly built dam USES OF DAMS Water supply -This water is used to supply water to homes and factories. Reservoirs are designed in such a way to store the rain that falls during the rainier parts of the year, so that there is a continuous supply of water for the drier period Hydroelectricity- Waters in the reservoirs could be used to store water to feed hydroelectric power stations. Hydroelectric power is produced by using the potential energy from falling water to drive water turbines that in turn, turn electric generators. The reservoir water is stored at a height higher than the turbines, which are in the power station. Sometimes, the power station is directly in front of a dam, and pipes through the dam feed water directly to the turbines. In some other cases, the power station is downhill from the reservoir, and the water is fed to it through long pipes or tunnels called penstocks. Flood control-A reservoir can be used to control the amount of water flowing in a river after heavy rain or snow fall. The water level in the reservoir is kept low during the wetter periods of the year. When heavy rain occurs, it is gated by the dam and held in the reservoir like a collecting tank. When the reservoir gets too full, the floodwater can be passed downstream over a spillway. Sometimes, floodgates are used on top of spillways, and they can be fully or partly opened to control the amount of water let out into the river downstream. If dam werent there the water level in rivers can rise dramatically. Sometimes, the water flows over riverbanks or walls causing flooding of farmland, property, and in the worst cases, loss of life. Irrigation-Plants grow naturally on fertile soil that is watered by rain. However, in different regions of the world where the climate is very dry for some parts of the year, the soil becomes so dry that it restricts the growth of vegetation. This problem can be overcome by irrigation, a man-made system for watering the land. As water is released through spillway into downstream and to the drier parts Navigation -The construction of a dam across a river forms a reservoir that holds water raises the water level upstream, , and it slows down its rate of flow. This improves the navigation conditions upstream of the dam for ships and boats. Dangerous areas of rocks and sandbanks, previously in shallow water, become well covered, and rapids in the river disappear. Also, water from the reservoir can be released into the river downstream during the drier seasons of the year to make sure that it is deep enough for navigation all the year round. How do dams affect people and environment around it? Reservoirs are generally created to act as a resource or to give benefit to people. Rarely , inundation, or flooding of land and the management of the water in the reservoir can have an adverse effects on people, the wildlife ,the environment and the habitats, not only inside and around the valley, but also downstream of the dam or the spillway. The advantages and disadvantages of creating a new reservoir and a dam should be considered during the planning stages. Suitable methods should be decided and worked upon to eliminate or to reduce the disadvantages, so that the reservoir provides an overall resourceful benefit to people. These are some of the issues that are considered:- People- Peoples livelihood and their quality of living are also affected when the land is inundated by the reservoirs, on which they used to live and earn living .For some large reservoirs, or dams, hundreds of thousands of people have had to leave their homes and well established businesses had to migrate elsewhere and set up everything from scratch. In the past, there have been cases that many of these people that were forced to migrate for the betterment of society had not been given adequate compensation for their losses, and some had not even been given new places to live let alone the compensation. During relocation some of the communities who had been living together for a long time were broken up and moved to different areas due to construction of the dam, which also led to emotional and mental traumas. Some people made their living from farming and used the water from river for irrigation and some used the river for fishing. Majority of them suffered when they were relocated , as they were not given new land to work, if land was given it was far more less than they actually used to have or the land was infertile and the land was too far from a river so river could not be used for irrigation. They needed different skills to get another job and adequate training was not always provided. These days, authorities responsible for the dams are becoming more aware of these issues. Resettlement plans have been worked on, developed and applied to minimise the disruption and suffering caused to people during relocation, which used to live in the reservoir areas. Good plans make sure that fair compensation and employment opportunities would be provided. In some cases, efforts have been made to resettle migrants in their own chosen communities. Plants and animals Dams are generally constructed across rivers or lakes to store water that would naturally find its path to the lower reaches of the river and finally into the sea. The building of a dam upsets the natural flow of water and the balance of the river which affects the animal and plant life in and around it. some of the reasons how it may change the natural balance are :- At the upstream of the dam, the dam is made, river is flooded and it becomes a reservoir. The nature of the flow of the water downstream is changed. The dams generally accumulate sediments that normally flow downstream in a natural flow When the river valley is flooded with water, animals are forced to leave there natural habitat and plants and trees are cut. In some cases rare species have been extinct due to the negligence of the authorities. Now for some large projects, plans for nature reserves have been made .In some natural reserves same species of plants and trees have been replanted in them and some of the native affected animals have been moved there. However, the natural reserves can only really work when authorities carefully give a thought that how the plants and animals depend on each other in an environment. A dam across a river generally forms a barrier to fish that migrate, such as salmon, pomfret, sailfish. Fish passes should be included in the design of a dam. This would allow adult fish to swim upstream to spawn, and then come back downstream later with their young ones. Fish passes usually take the form of a fish lock or fish ladder. These fish passes need to be designed very carefully and precisely to make sure that the conditions are just about right for the fish to use them. Sedimentation- Rivers always carry sediments. When river is flooding a reservoir, the speed of the flowing water comes to almost a halt and the sediments fall down and get deposited on the reservoir bed. Over a number of years, the sediment in the reservoir can pile up, and form a hard rock which may reduce the space available for storing water in the reservoir. Most of the sediments that are held back in the reservoir would normally be moved downstream by the flowing water. If too much sediment is accumulated in the reservoir, the natural balance of the sediments in the river downstream can be changed, affecting people, wildlife and plants as far away as the river estuary, meets the sea. Farming land, which uses water from reservoirs for growing crops, can be deprived of its nutrients and silt which are normally accumulated when the river floods the reservoir. Nutrients are essential for fertilising the soil for agriculture. When designing a reservoir, the quantity and the quality o f sediment that will flow into the reservoir have to be monitored and controlled. The reservoir needs to be designed to reduce the amount of sediments that are deposited upstream, and to maximise the sediment flow downstream. Positioning spillways and outlet pipes and tunnels can control and regulate the flow of sediments downstream. Sometimes sediment is knowingly accumulated in the reservoir. Then at regular intervals, it is removed. This can be achieved by letting water flow out of the reservoir through the outlet pipes at the bottom of the dam, so that the sediments easily get flushed out. Water quality The quality of water can slowly deteriorate when it is stored in a reservoir as the water is stagnant .Flowing river water maintains a constant supply of dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen is vitally needed to support aquatic flora and fauna, and to prevent some chemical reactions to pollute the water. There are many numbers of factors that can reduce oxygen levels in a reservoir, for e.g. organic material in the water can readily use up oxygen as it decomposes. The depth of the water in the reservoir, temperature difference between the water at the top of the reservoir and the bottom and its flow can also affect the oxygen levels. The type and the chemical nature of the land that is covered by a reservoir may affect the water quality. Pesticides and other chemicals from farms and toxic materials from industries can pollute the water. The streams and rivers flowing into the reservoir act as a major source of pollution as they may be carrying pollutants. The designers o f a reservoir and the dam have to consider all these factors and whether if any of these factors will have an adverse effect on the quality of the water. If the answer is yes, the designers need to include special safety measures to maintain good quality of water. Historical site- river valleys have high heritage values as throughout history people have settled in them. Many of the worlds archaeological sites, historical buildings and monuments can be found on the beds of these river valleys. Often these sites include sacred buildings such as churches, temples and their burial sites, which are areas of high sentimental values to the local inhabitants. Such heritage sites could be lost forever when a reservoir is made and the site is inundated with water. In the past, no such steps were taken in these dam projects to explore, preserve or save any of the local heritages. Recently, special measures have been taken in account for building of some projects. They have included following guidelines: Intensive archaeological investigations at the sites believed to have traces by ancient civilisations, before dam or a reservoir constructions proceeds. Relocation of burial sites with proper respect and dignity. Redesigning the structure of the dam, to minimise the loss of heritage site. The dismantling, relocation and re-erection of ancient monuments to preserve the interests of locals Safety and the maintenance of the dam In 1925, the two dams failed causing a flood that swamped a village in North Wales called Dolgarrog, this flood killed 16 people. The disaster was initially started when the Eigiau Dam, a small gravity dam failed. The released water from the reservoir of the broken dam flooded downstream and overtopped the reservoir of Coedty Dam which was an embankment dam; the high pressure of water inside the reservoir forced this dam to fail. Thus, releasing the huge volume of water that that swapped Dolgarrog and killed people. This disaster at Dolgarrog led the British government to pass the Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act in 1930 that introduced laws on the safety of the reservoirs. This act has been updated, and the current one is known as the Reservoirs Act, 1975. According to this acts all the dams in the United Kingdom that can hold at least 25,000 cubic metres of water would be maintained and looked after to ensure the safety of the general public. Under the Act, there is a usually Panel (or group) of civil engineers who are responsible for checking the safety and maintenance of these reservoirs and their dams. These are also known as Panel Engineers, and to qualify, these panel engineers need to be well qualified and vastly experienced in dam and reservoirs safety maintenance. After 10 years every existing reservoir is thoroughly checked that if they meet all their safety requirements. Panel Engineers are also required to actively participate with the new construction of dams and reservoirs, or i f the existing reservoirs needs to be repaired and changed entirely. According to this act reservoir owners are legally responsible for the safety and the maintenance of their reservoirs, dams. These dam owners are forced to employ suitably qualified civil engineers to make periodic checks on safety of the dam during the intervals between the Panel Engineers inspections. Safety check by Engineers Some of the safety checks are listed below Visual inspections An important part of a reservoir safety check is visual inspections. Unusual features like cracks on the surface of a dam may reveal important clues about the condition of the internal body of the dam which may not be visible to the naked eye of the inspector. On embankment dams, the civil engineers always look for hollows, bulges cracks and leaks on the outer face and on the upstream face of the dam, when the water is low. These features could possible indicate number of factors like the dam becoming more unstable, and that if there is a possibility that, with time, the portion of the slope could collapse, just like a landslide or the dam could crumble down on its own weight. Hollows on the dam can also indicate that floodwater has been overflowing the dam and slowly eroding the downstream slope. Engineers also look through or underneath the dam for any signs of water leaking. Water leaking through the dam can erode away the material inside the dam gradually creating a large cavity. This may lead to the collapse of the cavity itself which may reduce the stability of the dam. If the water is leaking under the dam or near the foot it can be a problem in its foundations in this case the entire dam needs to be reconstructed as the foundations get mushy and dam can collapse any second. Concrete dams have inspection galleries theses are tunnels running through the entire dams. These galleries just between 5-6 feet high just about big enough for a person to walk through. This helps engineers as the can inspect the conditions of the dam both inside and outside. The concrete surface is checked for signs of any erosion, deterioration, cracking or moulding. The engineers also look for the stability of the dam and look for any signs that could suggest that the dam or sections of it are moving. Checks are also made for any leaks on every part of the dam. Inspector checks the dam for all types of conditions, water pipes, valves and floodgates and even the quality of the water. The valves and gates are operated and greased regularly to check that they work and would work when required. Monitoring behaviour- Although dams look like a solid structure, they generally do move under the forces of nature, and which may cause water to seep through tiny pores in the structure. The height of an embankment dam actually reduced due to its weight over the years. Reduction of the height of dam is called settlement. A reservoir filled with water pushes a dam downstream a little and tries to make it slant and slide on its foundation. The structure of the dams is mostly made out of metal and concrete which may contract and expand the dam as the temperature changes throughout the year. Civil engineers have to often ensure the stability of dams by designing dams that can minimise water seepage and could withstand the effects of natural forces. Changes in the behaviour of a dam does not occur overnight, they occur slowly, and gradually so these changes cannot be detected by naked eye so the dam needs to be monitored regularly using scientific instruments that can measure changes at v ery small values . This way any unwanted behaviour can be detected in early stages before it causes a major structural problem. Some instruments are permanently fitted in dams, while others are generally taken to the site to make measurements. These are some the things that are monitored:- Seepage or leakage- A crack in a dam can indicate there would be increased leakage or seepage. In embankment dams, it could indicate that there is internal erosion of the fill material is taking place. Settlement- Optical instruments are used to measures levels on the crest of an embankment dam, to check if the height of the dam is reduced. If a crest appears to settle it can be a warning of problem a occurring within the body of the dam. The crest levels are generally designed to be of a certain height or above the normal full reservoir level. This ensures that the dam is not overtopped if in case it is flooded by excess floodwater or by waves on windy days. Tilting -Pendulums are installed in the vertically shafts of the dam to monitor any tilting in the dam Considering floods Dams are usually designed to hold back and collect water that flows into the valley behind it in the reservoirs; dams are also used to control the amount of water that passes out through it. Hydrologists are used to estimate the quantity and the quality of water that flows into a reservoir. Civil engineers use this information to find a location and plan the appropriate height of the dam. The dam needs to be of certain height, high enough to ensure that it will not be overflow excess flood water, unless it is designed to do so via tunnels or spillways. Accidental over toppling of water could damage the property downstream and in worse can be fatal or it could wash away part of the downstream side of an embankment dam which may affect the stability of the dam and it could collapse. These events can form catastrophic floods, as the water is released from the reservoir, could cause death and destruction to the people who live downstream. Floodwater is usually passed through a reservoir using a spillway, tunnels or safety canals safely. If people and property are at risk, spillways are opened safely so that they could pass the huge amounts of flood water controllably. Hydrologists often estimate the size and the danger of the flood by studying past rainfall records for the area and considering recent climate changes or the sudden change in the topography e.g. a large slope formed due to a landslide. They use this information to design new, better, efficient, spillways and also check the existing ones. Often, small-scale models are created to check the design. Checking for earthquakes- Every year there are more than 200 earthquakes are detected just alone in Britain. The majority of them are extremely small and have very small value on the Richter scale, but after regular intervals of every eight years at least a Magnitude 5 earthquake on Richter scale occurs. Luckily Magnitude 6 earthquake is about the largest and biggest that could ever occur in Britain, but the odds of that happening is very small or even negligible. A Magnitude 6 earthquake can easily damage structures that are poorly constructed, have weak foundations or that have not been designed to absorb earthquake shocks. If a dam fails during an earthquake it can be very serious, because the water released from the reservoir could cause havoc and severe flooding downstream. Due to this reason, new and existing dams in Britain are checked that if they could absorb the shocks of an earthquakes. There are a few handful dams in Britain which are believed to have been damaged or have been severely affected by earthquakes. The most important case was found in 1957 when the Black brook Dam, in Leicestershire, was severely affected by a Magnitude 5.3 earthquake. Tithe tremors of this earthquake caused heavy coping stones to shift and cracks and crevices appeared on the faces of this gravity dam which was constructed from concrete and masonry.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Hidden Agenda of the News Media Essay -- TV Television Newspapers

The Hidden Agenda of the News Media People use many different sources in order to gain knowledge about current events. In America, historically, mass media and television have been the most dominant sources for information. Over the last decade, internet-based news sites and talk-radio shows have emerged as viable alternatives to the traditional media. While, obviously, the latest forms of news media are very different from their â€Å"elder† counterparts regarding the conveyance of the information, they share some of the same issues regarding the reporting of the news. News coverage can be, and usually is, influenced by many factors including, but not limited to: personal political ideology, religion, culture, and economics. The â€Å"inner† influences of political ideology, cultural values, and religion are not limited to the writer or reporter of a story. Editors, managers, and owners are also subjected to these pressures, in addition to the need to turn a profit, and, therefore, also influe nce the reporting of the news. Because of these influences, the final product is rarely an objective reporting of the facts. News sources convey their subjectivity, sometimes subtly, other times blatantly, through many methods. Listeners, readers, and viewers of all media should consume all information with a grain of salt. The goal of this paper is to take one single news topic, somehow related to the United States, and see how it is treated, or â€Å"spun†, by two different foreign news sources. Although I could have chosen a topic related to the American presence in the Middle East, I chose instead to look for a topic that might be treated with subtle subjectivity: the cancellation of three of pop star Madonna’s concerts in Israe... ...ans. On the other hand, the Arutz SHEVA story is blatantly subjective, almost to the point of becoming propaganda. Freund’s attempt to link the Palestinian Authority to terrorist threats is very apparent, and considering the information found on the Opinion page, it is obvious why. Arutz SHEVA appears to be written by religious conservatives and nationalists, and intended for an audience of the same mindset. Both, the Arutz SHEVA article and, to a lesser extent, the AP story, are examples of how terms, phrases, and emphasis can be used to â€Å"spin† a news topic to convey your message. My analysis of these two stories supports the argument for consumers to take all information with a grain of salt. Works Cited The Straits Times,,1887,252771-230000,00.html? Arutz SHEVA,

Friday, October 11, 2019

Report of Influence Leadership on Apple Inc

Report of influence leadership on Apple Inc | May 5 2011 | This report shows market review, SWOT and PEST of Apple Inc as well as back ground of Steve Jobs- brilliant CEO. It also criticize and relate to leadership theories in his case. | | Contents Introductions3 Findings4 1. Products and services4 2. Market review5 Literature review10 Conclusions15 Recommendations15 References16 Introductions It is obvious to suggest that the success of  a  corporate brand  is based on  many factors  that  impact directly  or indirectly to  delivering the  decision  to build  that success. Human factors, especially  the role of leaderships and  their decision  are  prerequisite  to bring ‘a unique success’  in both  business and  brand reputation. According to Fortune magazine, Apple Inc is â€Å"The Most Admired Company† in the USA in 2010 and becomes a leader in technical rivalry in majority areas such as consumer electronics as well as software products [ (Magazine, 2011) ]. Its success based on creativity and innovation strategies, and a significant advantages which allows the company to occupy the leading positions in the world market is leadership of this Company , specially Steve Jobs- a visionary talents CEO. He has played an important role in the development of the computer company. However, this was also the problem of Apple because of lack of Steve Jobs such as when he got cancer leading to falling down Apple' stock price in the past. So that, The aim of this report will focus on affection of leadership on Apple and how leadership theories relate in this case. This report also shows market review of Apple Inc and recommends for this company . The report based on secondary research (public information on the internet, journals and literature review from books). Laterally, the research will evaluate the fact and key theories in specific circumstance- Apple Inc and Steve Jobs. Findings 1. Products and services In 1976, Apple was co-founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The Company specializes designs, manufactures, and markets consumer electronics products – personal computers, portable music players, mobile phones – as well as related software, services, and peripherals. Apple sells its products worldwide and provides support through its website . Additionally, Apple distributes digital entertainment content through its iTunes Store. While initially offering only music, the store has grown to include videos, television shows, films, and audio books. Apple's products and services include: * A range of personal computing products including desktop and portable computers. The Company’s desktop computers such as iMac ®, Mac ® Pro and Mac ® mini. Its portable computers include MacBook ®, MacBook ® Pro and MacBook Air ®. * iPod: The iPod was launched as a line of portable digital music players in 2001, a portable entertainment device capable of storing photos and playing video. iPhone: Released in June 2007, the iPhone marked Apple's entry into the rapidly growing Smartphone market. * In January 2010, introduced iPad, a multi-purpose mobile device for browsing the web, reading and sending email, viewing photos, watching videos†¦ etc * iTunes Store: in early 2001, iTunes is a digital media player application used to manage audio and video files. * Apple TV: Launched in 2007, the Apple TV is a dig ital media receiver designed to play content from an Internet media service or any computer running iTunes. AppleCare ® provides a range of support options for the Company’s customers, include assistance that is built into software products, printed and electronic product manuals, online support including comprehensive product information as well as technical aid, and the Apple Care Protection Plan (â€Å"APP†). * The Company offers a range of software products for consumers and creative customers, including the Company’s proprietary Mac OS X and iOS operating system software. Ipad2 Imac Iphone4 Macbook Pro 2. Market review The Company manages its business primarily on a geographic basis. Operating segments consist of the Americas, Europe, Japan, Asia-Pacific. In September 25, 2010, the Company had opened a total of 317 retail stores, including 233 stores in the U. S. A and 84 stores all over the world, approximately 44% of the Company’s total net sales in 2010 inside the USA. Also, the Company had nearly 46,600 full-time equivalent employees and 2,800 full-time equivalent temporary employees and contractors. It has worldwide annual net sales of $65. 225 billion in 2010. (Inc, 2011) Net sales and Gross margin of Apple Inc in 2008-2009-2010 ($ million) Net sales/ Revenue : during 2010 increased $22. 3 billion, or 52% compared with 2009. Overall, total net sales of Apple increases rapidly, specially in 2010. (Inc, 2011) Expenditure: $1. 8 billion, $1. 3 billion and $1. 1 billion in 2010, 2009 and 2008 to invest development of new innovative products, such as iPhone, iPod, iPad and Macbook. (Inc, 2011) Investment of Apple in 2008-2009-2010( percentage %) * PEST Analysis * Politics Different countries have different policies which some way restrict or give the company chances. The company has to act in accordance with the environment regulations such as environment safe disposal or recycling. Triad , NAFTA and other regions open doors to trade ,otherwise Latin America, Asia offer massive potential. Unstable politics caused terrorism activities are directly impacting the overall business of the company. * Social The growing of computer and internet usage all over the world which are opportunities to develop computer industry. Education issue is put first for new generation which is key element for business of the company. User becomes more knowledgeable and skilled about computer. Economic Impacting from economic crisis leading to low consumers spending, however some signs of improvement appears by increasing of spending and investment of consumers. Currency exchange rate fluctuations and international trade regulations (tariffs and antidumping penalties) may affect products sales. * Technology Advanced in technology quickly and consumers appreciate more ; more advances in their systems. The traditional desktop might become outdated by the entrance of new revolutionary products. Increasing demands for new technology in schools and professionals. * SWOT Analysis * Competitors SWOT and PEST analysis above showed overview criticism about Apple. The company has a good performance, however it also encounters aggressive competitors in all segments of its business. The markets for the Company’s products and services are highly competitive. Because the segments in which the Company competes are characterized by rapid technological advances, including personal computers with its Mac computers; mobile communications and media devices with its iPhone, iPad and iPod product families, and distribution of third-party digital content and applications with its online iTunes Store. For instance : * Personal computers segment: According to Fortune magazine, HP is ranked 2nd in list of World's most admired companies with score 7. 74 , HP's revenue is $126 billion in 2010. (Magazine, 2011) (HP, 2011) * Mobile communications segment: HTC- The world's largest maker of handset using Microsoft Corp. and Google Inc. operating systems. Its products use Google’s Android platform and   Windows Phone 7 software of  Microsoft. Revenue rose to NT$76 billion in third quarter 2010. Businessweek, 2011) * Software segment: Android, the free operating system developed by Google, accounted for a 32 percent share of the U. S. market for Smartphone bought in the past six months of 2010 according to August data from Nielsen Co. * Current and future trends Using Smartphone is increasing today( increased to 29 % in 2010, USA) (Roger Entner, 2011). A growing proportion of younger consumers opt to use their mobile contracts for all telecoms services. The focus of mobile indust ry will be on † platforms†, include operating systems ( iOS of Apple , Android of Google, and Microsoft's Window 7) . The combination of affordable data plan and increasing Smartphone usage would get more people online. Consumers are ready to spend more for their extra functionality, effective and fashionable products. Touch, eye, voice and possibly even brain controllers will be commonplace. It also is future trend for personal computers and portable music players. Literature review As mentioned above , Apple's success base on key point Steve Job- a brilliant CEO. Before analyzing influence of Steve Jobs on Apple and relate it with leadership theories, it is necessary to define leadership and its theories. Definition : Leadership is an interaction between two or members of a group that often involves structuring of the situation and the perceptions, expectation of members. Leaders are agent of change-person whose acts affect other people more than other people's act affect them. Leadership occurs when one group member modifies the motivation or competencies of others in the group. In fact, some peo ple are able to lead naturally while others, leadership skills are built up through hard work and practice. According to Stogdill's studies, there are 5 elements which modify effective leader traits : Capacity, Achievement, Responsibility, Participation, Status. (Bloisi et al. , 2007) In addition, 4 leader decision styles were classified include : Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-faire, Human relation. (Bloisi et al. , 2007) Although, leader's success also depends on how they interact with various circumstances that influence the tasks to be undertaken. A range of researches was pointed out, however some popular theories have known( contingency theories). Firstly, The Fiedler contingency model-matching leader style and situational favorableness factors. It includes (Bloisi et al. , 2007) Task structure – the degree to which the duty are formalised and planned; Position power – the degree of influence a leader has over activities such as recruitment, authority, promotion and increasing salary; Leader-member relations – the degree of confidence, trust and respect inferiors have for the leader . Secondly, Hersey and Blanchard's (1996) situational leadership theory – matching leader behaviours to followers' needs. Based on combinations of the leader's task and relationship behaviours as moderated by the job maturity of followers. (Bloisi et al. , 2007). It includes: Task behaviours – organising and defining roles, structure, channel of communication; Relationship behaviours – relationship with inferiors by opening channel of communication and supporting. Thirdly, Path-goal theory ( House and Mitchell, 1974) : a leader should clarify goals, show acceptable paths for attaining goals, make the path easier to travel, and reward satisfactory performance. (Bloisi et al. , 2007). It includes: Directive leadership (highly task orientated)- provide guidance and how indentified performance standards and time schedules as well as policies; Achievement-orientated leadership (high task and relationship orientated) – challenge purpose is built up, seeks performance upgrading ; Participative leadership ( moderately task and highly relationship orientated ) – consulting with and soliciting the ideas of others in decision-making; Supportive leadership (highly relationship orientated) -concern for the needs and purposes of others and strives to make the work conditions satisfying and equitable. Additionally, there are 2 styles among several leadership styles which modify model of leaders. Firstly, Transactional leadership – using bureaucratic authority and incentives to motivate, focusing on rewards according to Bass theory. Secondly, Charismatic leadership – † heroic † leadership ; the ability to energize interiors through the use of symbols, visionary, stories and rhetoric to achieve at extraordinary levels, typically having a vision and a reason for the future , advanced by Weber (1947). Such information have demonstrated some traits and processes of leadership in an organisation. In fact , they are also traits which fit in Apple case. Its success story began in 1976, when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniaks launched their own business, the Apple Computer Company, in Jobs' family garage. At that time, he was 21, then by the age of 25 , Jobs obsessed $165 million . The increase of Apple's success quickly which put the first landmark in his line of business. (Campbell, 2011) In 1985, he got out of the way of Apple when John Sculley , who came from Pepsi-Cola, had joined. Four years later, Jobs came back with another company, NextStep which achieved far away from the success of Apple but it recalled people that he would continued in his way. Later, he secondly started with his participation in Pixar- the animation company he purchased from the Star Wars director, George Lucas. The first success of Pixar is movie Toy Story which lead to its position as one of the key player in Hollywood, then launching movie Finding Nemo. Its success made Jobs a billionaire and prepared for his coming back Apple in 1997. Within one year , the ailing company was once more making huge profits. However, his journey didn't stop at that point. Since the combination of high-speed Internet and the music industry has opened a new segment for getting profit by downloading music . Jobs believe that iTunes is the answer. Additionally, Ipad2 is leader in digital book and tablet segment now. (Campbell, 2011) Steve Jobs is really an effective leader, an important person in development of Apple. In many way , his traits fit in charismatic leadership. Firstly, an ideology is showed clearly, often using labels and slogans, He offered a vivid and positive image of the future. For instance, he used the slogan as well as the iconic logo of the Mac team:† Pirates! Not the Navy â€Å"to build up Mac team( a group specializes design new products) (Elliot, Jay; L. Simon,William, 2011, p. 38). Being pirate, employees should think differently and act as revolution. His goal and passion are perfect products. He concerned about every details of products carefully until it was launched. This is an ideological image which he and his team follow, becomes a motivation in the whole company. By articulating an ideological vision and recruiting a number of talents who share the values of the vision, he develops the company. Secondly, he showed clear structure to reach his goal as well as increases positive values and suggest linkages between expected behaviors from interiors with his vision of the future. For example, he formed the Mac group would never raise more than a hundred people because it was easy to fall into the danger of free flowing of ideas, barriers of communication among employees. He had a plan to guarantee everyone has the same wavelength and the same direction, setting a standard of doing each task for each staff (Elliot, Jay; L. Simon,William, 2011, p. 38). He ordered the team to create a whole new prototype of the computer using different chip, the Motorola 68000, which featured a lager memory. Another case, he forced people do his direction by calling meetings, setting new paths, adding new people into Mac team to move the cursor with some kind of control device . It led to moving the cursors with the mouse , clicking o make collection, dragging a file or icon (Elliot, Jay; L. Simon,William, 2011, p. 15). That was the fundamentals of the way we use computers today. Also, he was always finding for something specific from each group to link the quality he wanted. He brought out the creative talent in several people and guided them to work in harmony as well as encouraged open discussion. These characters also fit with Task behaviors of Hersey and Blanchard theory and Task structure of Fielder theory. Because both theories are quite similar , they show clear structure and aim to lead employees follow. H In fact, effective leader does not rely on one leadership style to manage company. Transaction leadership style also contain in this case. He has focused on achieving the tasks at hand. Jobs has got things done by making, and fulfilling, promises of recognition, and advancement for employees who have performed well. By contrast, employees who do not do good work are penalized. This promise and reward for good performance, or threat and discipline for poor performance. For example, he set up product retreats into the actual work agenda, opening them every three months for the whole growing Mac team. Every member was expected to be present. One by one, each team manager for hard ware, soft ware, marketing, sales, finance, PR would present a brief status report and time line , explaining where they were in term of agenda. If their team was falling behind , they would be criticized and given some suggestions for how they could overcome (Elliot, Jay; L. Simon,William, 2011, p. 43). Everybody was free to give suggestions. Besides, he decided that the signatures of the engineering team members would be put on the inside of the case of the first Mac. It's also a gift or recognition from him to interiors. Another case, achievement- oriented leadership consist with his traits, he was always discovering imperfections in everything , from the design to the marketing and packaging , to how the product would be promoted and sold. He always asked: † At the first grade level† (Elliot, Jay; L. Simon,William, 2011, p. 21) . In a story, he had decided early on that the cell phone being developed at Apple would have only a single button but his engineers couldn't carry out , then, he kept demanding in effect : † The phone will have a single button. Figure it out† (Elliot, Jay; L. Simon,William, 2011, p. 23). By high demanding, we have iPhone 4 with only a single button today. In addition, he is autocratic decision style because he always gave duty for others and decided quickly. However, he is a relation behaviors and supportive leader. He focused on the slogan: † We are all in this together† by bringing people from different aspects to meet each others in celebrations and to make a satisfaction work place such as allowing to work free of usual restrictions (Elliot, Jay; L. Simon,William, 2011, p. 40). Apple would become known as a company that celebrated just about everything: meeting goal, sales growth, new product introduction, new key people. In 1981, Bandley Drive building , a part of the center was a large atrium (Elliot, Jay; L. Simon,William, 2011, p. 50). It had a piano, video games huge fridge stocked with bottles of fruit juice . It was quickly became a place for the employees to meet and hang out. Finally, his case consist with leader member relations theory. Because of all of his passion and actions , followers have a strong respect and trust to him. Talents would be attracted by talents, that is explanation for Why Apple attracted many genius engineers and developed nowadays. At last but not least, that is the innovation of Steve Jobs in the whole business context. Technologies which he developed and advanced in NextStep and Pixar were applied on Apple Inc. That is really a basic for Apple's success . He always plays an important role in making right decision as the statement about leader and manager : Leader do the right thing , manager do the thing right. (Bloisi et al. , 2007) Conclusions Steve Jobs is criticized as an effective leader in the world. His famous and the well known of Apple remain together and will keep an important position in world trade. He is a part of success of Apple Inc and a leader in significant decision of development of his company. Understanding Apple Inc case and its market as well as an important leader- Steve Jobs will make us be aware of some traits of leadership in many theories deeply. His leadership style are : Task behaviors of Hersey and Blanchard theory and Task structure of Fielder theory, Charismatic leadership and Transaction leadership as well as Relation behaviors and Supportive leader. So that, it is realization that an successful leader always exists different leadership styles. Leaders always change their leadership style flexibility which is suitable for each task and each circumstance. Recommendations A part of the success of Apple based on Steve Jobs but it is dangerous if lack of this key leader. Besides, Job also shows that he is impatient person. So, it is considered seriously that Apple should give structure and motivation for employees as well as the whole company clearly and make it become tradition. Also, it is necessary to improve workplace such as improving workplace conditions in China and invest more in charity segment as Microsoft. It is useful to promote Apple's image. References Bloisi, W. , W. Cook, C. ; L. Hunsaker, P. , 2007. 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