Wednesday, July 31, 2019

International Classification of Accounting Systems

Classification of Accounting Systems Critically evaluate to what extent past research into classification of accounting systems has become irrelevant because of international harmonization efforts. Let us remind that IASC was replaced in 2001 by IASB (International Accounting Standards Board). We are going to start this paper with the different classification researches, taking for example Hofstede and Gray’s studies. Then we will draw the main differences between GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). We will also speak about the Americanocentrism problem. To finally dealing with the differences and harmonization. *Two Main Example*s* of Past Studies*: *Hofstede’s* societal dimensions and Gray’s accounting values Different Classification Researches The first one is the deductive or judgmental method. Environmental factors are identified and they are linked to national accounting practices. Then, international groupings and development patterns are proposed. The second one is the inductive or empirical approach where individual practices are analyzed; the grouping or development patterns are identified, and where the explanations are based on economic, social, political and cultural factors proposed. In the deductive approach, Mueller developed four approaches to accounting development. Macroeconomic pattern: where business accounting is tied to national economic policies (Sweden, France, Germany) Microeconomic pattern: where accounting is a branch of business economics (Holand) Independent discipline pattern: where accounting is a service function derived from business practices (US, UK) and where accounting is considered to be capable of developing its own conceptual framework from business practice. Uniform Accounting pattern: where accounting is an efficient mean of control and administration. It takes into account that culture and historical roots are very important. Hofstede define four societal dimensions: individualism versus collectivism, large versus small power distance, uncertainty avoidance: degree to which a firm is ok with ambiguity, masculinity: preference for achievement, assertiveness, material success. Now let us focus on Gray who has developed the following pairs of contrasting accounting values: Professionalism VS Statutory Control: there is a preference for individual judgment, self regulation. Uniformity VS flexibility: there is a preference for enforcement of uniform practices. Conservatism VS Optimism: there is a preference for cautious approach. Secrecy VS Transparency: there is a preference for confidentiality. There are a lot of international pressures like the growing international interdependencies and the harmonization of the regulatory framework. But also the new opportunities, joint ventures and alliances. *GAAP/*IFRS Let us start by an analysis of the GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). Financial accounting relies on certain standards of the GAAP. Principles of GAAP derive from tradition. There are seven main principles: regularity or consistency, sincerity, permanence of methods, non compensation, prudence, continuity, and periodicity. In any report of financial statements (audit, compilation, or review), the auditor must indicate to the reader whether or not the information contained within the statements complies with GAAP. The convergence of accounting standards, that the majority of the industrialized countries support is advantageous for the companies in the Stock Exchange: they should not have to produce several financial statements and thus save important sums of money. The financial risk is reduced. The investors, for their part, can better compare and examine the financial data of companies wherever they are established. Their decision making is thus improved. This international harmonization is a process making it possible to arrive to a basic bringing together various accounting standards One big advantage can be seen when we face a merger or an acquisition. Decisions are much easier to take. However, the experience of convergence IASB/FASB shows that many years are necessary to ensure the convergence of two reference frames however based on the same Anglo-Saxon culture of the businesses. This is due primarily to an existence of an opposition between an approach by the rules in the case of FASB and an approach by the principles which follows IASB. IASB is at the center of the convergence movement. The IFRS are described like founded on principles, which means that they leave a big freedom of action to the companies about the evaluation of the accounting data. The US GAAP are described like founded on rules and they aim to regulate all the possible aspects of the presentation of the accounts. These standards thus require very detailed information on behalf of the companies. In the case of convergence between IASB and FASB, the harmonization of the IFRS and US GAAP is currently working and common solutions have already been found. That do not prevent from the divergence of several points of view, among the principal aspects to be solved one we think about the financial instruments and the presentation of the performances. Some of the differences between US GAAP and IFRS are embodied in the standards themselves. They are intentional deviations from US requirements. Americanocentrism Some countries adopted some international standards coming to replace their national standards or to supplement them. Some stock exchange places, first of all the London one, admitted companies of which accountancy is in conformity with standards IAS and more than 200 great groups (majority domiciled in Canada, in France and Switzerland) produced a second set of accounts established according to these standards. SEC even conceded at certain foreign companies the right to observe certain rules IAS as the standard relating to the table of financing (IAS 7), to currencies (IAS 21), companies (IAS 22) and inflation effects (IAS 29). Within the European Union, some harmonization efforts about accounting methods were undertaken. Those however knew the same fate than others and must still produce tangible effects. Moreover, European countries have adopted the principle of mutual recognition of the standards. In spite of the creation of an ad hoc work group in 1990, the accounting harmonization is not a priority anymore, no proposal nor declaration has been made since. It is use consider American standards as the reference. That does not imply their superiority that just reflects economic and political reality. Unless standards IAS are not accepted by the SEC, the companies which follow them do not meet the conditions to be allowed on the American stock exchange places. To be allowed, a German group like Daimler-Benz must satisfy the regulations and specifications of the Stock Exchange where its shares will be exchanged and to match the regulations imposed by the SEC, slightly amended for the foreign transmitters. SEC requires in particular that foreign companies present either their accounts in conformity with the US GAAP or a table showing together the US GAAP rules and the accounts drawn according to the accounts chart of their own country (Germany in the case of Daimler-Benz). Few companies choose the first method; nevertheless, even the second method is expensive. If the American Stock Exchange remains one of the more world significant markets, standards IAS non in conformity with the American rules will become obsolete. But if the SEC persists in its exclusive attitude, the domination of the American Stock Exchanges could be compromised. Can we solve the problem? Is harmonization the answer? Then harmonization in accounting standards shall serve many of the following benefits: Decrease in the costs of data collection Increase in the comparison of the information, Development in the capital markets, Facilitation in the fund movements Provision of competition advantage in favor of the firms Decrease in the audit costs and increase in the efficiency of the audit For multinationals, the advantages of harmonization are much more important. The impacts are cultural and social, on the employment and consumption pattern for example which are significantly influenced. The SEC made understand that any international reference moving away from philosophy and specificity of the American standards would not be acceptable. It profits from the support of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), insofar as generalized acceptance of standards IAS could compromise the credibility of standards FASB. *Why do the differences persist? And w*hat is *mainly *stopping* the harmonization*? Let us take another example. In Japan, Keiretsu is a group of companies undertaken with cross participations which maintain very close relations of customer-suppliers type. Similar systems exist in Korea. The relations between these companies are not comparable with those which bind a holding and its subsidiary companies; this system is running in United Kingdom and the United States. Moreover, no economic argument could be brought to justify the regulation of the accounting standards. Why the practices differ o clearly from one country to another? We can for sure think about culture, tradition and history. Then, external environment, legal systems (Common law & Codified Roman law), taxation, the level of inflation, accidents and external influences (such as the framing of law in response to economic or politic events for example) are the main causes of international differences. Also, liabilities, consolidation, segment reporting and foreign currency translation can be big issues in international accounting. However, the economists privilege the explanations relating to factors such as the legal system and the legislation on the property rights, even if, in the final analysis, these factors themselves form part of each culture intrinsically. Conclusion While convergence and harmonization are admirable goals with a lot of benefits, that may not easily or quickly achieved. The success will not depend only on the ability of the FASB and IASB to work together, but also on the willingness of national regulators to cooperate and to avoid issuing local interpretation of IFRS. In April 2005, SEC published the road map. This is an article by then Chief Accountant discussed the possible elimination of the US GAAP reconciliation for foreign private issuers that use IFRS. This Road map laid out a series of milestones which if achieved would result in the elimination of the US GAAP reconciliation by 2009, so quite soon. It is often noted that the process of IASC standards are influenced by Anglo-American approach, which partly explains the reserve of certain countries to adopt the international accounting standards. The difference between Anglo-American philosophies and European ones can be explained by the importance attached to two essential characteristics of accountancy: reliability and relevance. To conclude, despite the existence of many convergence points, this research show several major differences between two countries supposed to follow relatively similar rules. This thus tends to catch our attention on the difficulty of international harmonization. This study seems to illustrate perfectly (unfortunately? difficulties of the international accounting harmonization. It could be interesting to carry out a reflection on other ways of making accountancies comparable in order to avoid a fundamental opposition. However, new laws gave (or will give) to companies of several countries, including France and Germany; the possibility of presenting their group accounts according to the international standards, in particular those of the IASC and USGAAP, rather than the national rules. Almost all th e companies having a world activity do it already, or will probably do it soon. BIBLIOGRAPHY †Evolution of research on international accounting harmonization : a historical and insitutional perspective â€Å", Socio-Economic Review, October 2007 Bosco T. , Corporate Accounting Information Systems Cook D. Connor L. , UK/US GAAP Comparison Wolk H. , Dodd J. , Accounting Theory, 7th edition Elliott B. and Elliott Jamie, Financial Accounting and Reporting, 8th edition Ernst & Whinney, L’Impact de la septieme directive: la consolidation des comptes en Europe, ETP, 1985 Heem G. t Aonzo P. (2003),  « La normalisation comptable internationale: ses acteurs, sa legitimite,ses enjeux  », Revue d’Economie Financiere IASC, International Accounting Standards Explained, Wiley, 2000 Ortiz E. (2005),  « GAAP choice by European companies  », European Business Review POWER Michael, La Societe de l’audit, La Decouverte, 2005 Price Waterhouse Coopers ; â€Å"IFRS 2005 divergences France /IFRS† ; Editions Francis Lefebvre Street D. L. and Gr ay S. J. et Brayant S. M. 1999),  « Acceptance and observance of International Accounting Standards  », The International Journal of Accounting â€Å"Trends in research on international accounting harmonization â€Å", The International Journal of Accounting, September 2007 Weetman P. E. , Jones A. E. , Adams C. A. and Gray S. J,  « Profit measurement and UK accounting standards: a case of increasing disharmony in relation to US GAAP and IAS’s â€Å". Websites: www. wikipedia. fr www. lesechos. fr www. focusifrs. com www. fasb. gov www. investopedia. com www. ey. com www. authorstream. com

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A ShortStory Based On: Conrades an Eposode

I knew that it was coming, the day I had been dreading. Everyone was saying that it was great, time we taught those Germans a lesson and that we had a duty to do for our country. But I was different. I knew what it was going to be like but whenever I tried to speak out no one listened and said that I was a coward. May be it was true I didn't want to die. I packed up my stuff it had been eight days since I had received the letter informing me that I had to go to war. I had no choice. I had to go. I thought I would be better off just killing my self right now. I had no hope in war. Just look at me 5 feet 2†³ and weighing just 8 stones. What good will I be in the Great War? I said an emotional farewell to my family my mum especially I had always been closest to her. My Dad had always thought of me as a â€Å"no hoper†. He was big and strong nothing like me all he said was â€Å"good luck† with a firm handshake. I could tell he didn't think I was going to last very long what possibly could someone like me do on the battlefield. I was taken to Chesterfield rail station along with another 150 young recruits. We were then to be taken to Winchester army base .I was sitting in the first carriage seat 6a. I was nervous and tired but slightly excited .I was the fist in my seat. It was alphabetically but with a name like Alfred Ambrose I had no choice. I could hear people giggling and looking and pointing. I could imagine what they were saying † I have seen an ear wig bigger than that†. I sat down and took out a book. We were told that it was going to be a six-hour journey. I was disturbed by a deep voice â€Å"Hi nice to meet you I'm Tim Bright†. Tim was a big man, he made me look like a dwarf but my first impression was that he was a gentle giant. He sat down and took out a comic he was 23 and still reading comics but he explained that he had never been taught to read I felt sorry for him. But I was sure that no one was going to mess with him. I read up to chapter six but I was tired, I had not had too much sleep the night before, I couldn't get to sleep because I was nervous and sad to leave my family. I shut my eyes and tilted my head. I was woken by the sound of the steam engine stopping. I heard a whistle and the doors flung open. The 22 men from my carriage departed and formed an orderly queue. When all 150 men ranging from 17 – 23 had left the train a little man with a moustache came round the corner with a green uniform on with socks tucked into shorts and a black cane under his arm. He didn't look scary but looked as if he could get angry very easily. He introduced him self as Corporal Blake † Right lads, you are to be based here for 4 days, during this time you will go through basic training and get to know your fellow comrades. Then you will be shipped of to France and split into pontoons you will be driven to Shrewsbury dock and transported across the English Channel to Normandy.† We were then taken to our dormitories, they were small and were full of old bunk beds made out of thin metal. There was a musty smell in the room but this didn't make much difference I was only here for 4 days. Training was due to start tomorrow. I sat on the bed and thought about what was to come. I was sharing with the same people from my carriage so at least I had seen all the faces before. I was on the bottom bunk and Tim was on the top he came down and we played a nice friendly game of black jack with a few of the other guys. It was getting dark and I was feeling tired I lied down on the bed but it wasn't very comfortable but It would do. † Ding a ling, ding a ling† I was woken at 7o'clock by the sound of a large bell fitted in all dormitories. It was earlier than I was used to but I had had a long sleep so I was feeling refreshed. This gave us time to have a shower and eat breakfast, which wasn't particularly nice, warm lumpy porridge had never been my favourite. This was our last day before we set off for Normandy. Today we were due to received our kit. It took all day for everyone to get kited out, I was near the beginning due to my name but this did give me time to think and write my parents a letter. It was six thirty by the time every one was ready. Then we were called to the briefing room (a really big long room with a desk). We were given our orders and instructed to be ready by four thirty for a five o'clock sharp leave. Once again the bell was to be sounded there was to be 35 trucks full of men and 12 full of equipment. † Ding a ling, ding a ling† up we got and out side we went, lining up next to our assigned truck. We climbed in, when given the order as warned we left at 5 0'clock.A convoy of 47 trucks. In my truck there were the men from my dorm but my only real friend was Tim I sat next to him and we just talked of home. The journey was only going to be 2 hours so it wasn't that bad but it was really uncomfortable. We arrived at Shrewsbury dock at 4 minutes past seven. Our so-called â€Å"ferry† was to leave at seven thirty. It was more of a raft than a proper boat made out of iron with a small sheltered area with a little engine only capable of a top speed of 8 knots. We were told that we couldn't travel in anything to big, as it was too DANGEROUS because we ran the risk of being bombed. I thought it would still be pretty easy to see 32 boats crossing the English channel but that was the reason we had to go at a time of low light ready to be there at noon so we could fight straight away. The crossing was rough but not quite as bad as I had expected. We arrived at a small naval port in west Normandy there were only a few other men waiting our arrival but they did let of a small cheer to make us feel welcome which was enough for me. We unloaded and received our equipment it was so heavy I could hardly stand up. But the worst of it was still to come we had to march 6 miles with our equipment to get used to the weight and the amount of walking that was to come in the future. We set off in good sprits but after almost 2 hours we still had not arrived at our string hold on the front. But we had seen and heard our first exchange of bullets and shells this just reminder us of the reality and the reason that we are here. It was scary but I was ready to fight, I might not be much good but I had come this far there was no point backing out now. We marched through a small French town deserted but under close watch from our allies. The trenches were just 200 yards but we had to walk another half mile along them before we got to the fighting. We were to be stationed along the trenches as backup and reserve's for the troops already there. As I had expected Tim had been put in charge of our pontoon it was only twelve strong. He had been chosen because of his outstanding performance in the training. The noise was amazing there were non-stop firing and exploding. I just wondered how you were supposed to sleep. I was told that you didn't even try to sleep just for the fear of a grenade or shell landing near by. I wasn't concentrating when I heard a bellow â€Å"section 2† it was Tim our pontoon were needed on the front line for the first time and it was only our fourth day here. â€Å"Right lads, we are needed the others have been drooping like flies lets do it for our selves and our country.† † One last thing good luck†. It wasn't the best speech but Tim wasn't that good with words. We moved forward as a team, for the first time I loaded my rifle and looked out over the trench wall for to see a mess of mud and barbed wire, craters and even dead bodies. I had got through 56 rounds off ammo in 3 days we had only lost 2 lives which was a good ratio compared to things before. â€Å"Lets go lads we are going over the top† This is what I had been dreading, there were 4 other sections going with us to try and make 12 yards to the next set of trenches where we were needed as back up. This was the most dangerous part of the job so far as we were venerable to German fire as well as our own sides as they try to protect. â€Å"1,2,3,4,5†¦10 OK lets go† I was running with my head down when my first nightmare came true. Tim had been hit only in the leg but it looked bad he was like a sitting duck, there was no way he could survive. I luckily made it to the other side, we had suffered 6 deaths and 4 injuries. I looked back to see Tim still alive in pain I couldn't leave him I had to try and save him. I knew I was mad and stupid but he was my best mate I had to. I climbed over the back of the trench with a determined look in my eye, I ran as quickly as I could and reached him in good health, he looked bad, pale and weak, blood pouring out of his wound. I grabbed him by the arms and pulled with my little strength luckily it was enough. I was only a meter away when I felt an unbearable pain in my lower back, I collapsed and couldn't move. I knew it was bad but even worse I had failed Tim what kind of a friend was I. Fortunately we were close to the trench and we had a chance, as expected two men crawled out and dragged us back to the safety of our own trench. The medic was called for and looked at Tim first because he was more important than I was. The verdict was good he and his leg could be saved. It was bandaged and he was taken away. I was not quite so lucky I thought I had no change of walking again and would be lucky to still be a live in 12 hours I was taken to the nearest hospital along with Tim. It didn't hurt that much mainly because I had no feeling up to my navel. 12 WEEKS LATER I had been lucky the doctors had managed to save me but I was paralysed from the lower back down. I was in a wheel chair and in the same ward as Tim. He was staggering about and was on course for a full recovery. Tim and my self were due to go home in three hours there was no use for us anymore. We were both injured and could do nothing to help our country. All I was happy about was that I had managed to save my friend he said he owed every thing to me and promised to look after me for as long as he could. I was sedated for the crossing to stop pain and discomfort I thought back 16 weeks ago when I was on my way to France not on the way back in a wheel chair. We arrived earlier than expected and my parents were not there yet it wasn't long until they arrived and were shocked when they saw me. Tim went over and explained what had happened and how I was a hero in his and everyone else's eyes. My Dad came over and said, † I'm proud of you my son† This was the first time he had ever said anything like that to me. I went home to a hero's welcome, totally unexpected every one in the town lined the streets to cheer me home. They thought of me as someone special who gave his ability to walk to save another persons life. That's not the end of it I was even given a bravery award presented to me by Her Majesty the Queen. But if anyone asks I would do the same again to save my best and only friend Tim.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Leading Toward E-Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leading Toward E-Learning - Essay Example r crowds functioning online or offline, and simultaneously or coincidentally via systematized or separate computers and additional electronic gadgets (Naidu, 1). The present study talks about an issue that impacts the quality of e-learning courses in colleges. Several colleges have initiated to address the confrontation of computing not just their advancement in initiating e-learning into training and learning, but what consequence their e-learning approach is having on students. Every kind of practice inside the college and university has been altered by the expansion of the World Wide Web (www) and associated technologies (Brown and Jackson, 1). E-learning provides several benefits to colleges and universities. Some of them are: - learning is self rated and offers learners an opportunity to accelerate to hold back whenever necessary; education is self-aimed at, permitting learners to decide substance and suitable to their contradictory interests, requirement and ability levels; contains manifold learning approaches using as truth of liberation processes devised to dissimilar students, more efficient for entrain beginners; probably lesser costs for organizations requiring guidance and for the suppliers; improve computer and internet proficiencies; illustrates hundreds of reputable educational values; has the awareness of every main university in the job, the majority with their personal online degrees, credentials and personal course (Manjunath and Patil, 3). One of the major issues that impacts the quality of e-learning courses within colleges is that learners can study from anywhere in the world. This is a particularly significant contemplation for learners who desire to learn in a different nation. In this study, Delta College, Michigan, U.S. will be taken into consideration. The strategy that will be discussed in this paper will be library automation. Through e-learning, the students will be saving their time without going to colleges and universities.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Systems Development and Implementation Essay

Business Systems Development and Implementation - Essay Example Many of the projects became a failure due to lack of proper skills in order to undertake these projects successfully. On the other hand the companies which initiated and successfully implemented these projects enjoyed the hyper growth. In order to make these projects different tools and techniques were introduced by the management gurus in order to increase the success rate of these projects. The implementation cost of the new information system often have some hidden costs which cannot be calculated at the beginning of a project (Anderson and Dawes, 1991). Often workers are required to be trained to effectively use the technology being implemented but this training reduce the working hours. Currid (1995) states the same fact as: When a new system is introduced, it rocks day-to-day activity so much that some people don't adjust quickly. They stay less productive than they were without the new computer. And, if this situation goes unchecked, they may never recover. In Standish Group's CHAOS Report, the group analysed 8380 Information projects that were underway in 365 companies and reported failure and success rates. The report used some indicators and divided the companies into following three categories which are as follows: Resolution Type 2 is "Project Challenged." These were completed, but were over cost, over time, and/or lacking all of the features and functions that were originally specified. 52.7% of all studied projects fell into this Resolution Type 2 (Challenged) category. Resolution Type 3 is termed "Project Impaired/Failed." These projects were abandoned or cancelled at some point and thus became total losses. A disturbing 31.1% of all studied p

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cross-cultural Training for Global Virtual Teams Research Paper

Cross-cultural Training for Global Virtual Teams - Research Paper Example Global virtual teams will not automatically respond to â€Å"country-specific knowledge† instead of â€Å"in-depth knowledge of interpersonal interactions† because human behavior does not consist only of culture. Pre-conceptions make it difficult for members to adjust immediately when in the actual interaction. This becomes applied stereotypes that do not always work accordingly and thus tends to frustrate members, rendering cultural orientation program as ineffective (ibid, pp.346-347). Cultural awareness training, on the other hand, is focused on the goal of learning to adjust in various situations especially those which tend to be unexpected rather than being constrained by area-specific interaction. This type of training is geared toward altering attitudes of information and the availability of alternative viewpoints when faced with unknown information and recognize it as an opportunity to familiarize with unfamiliar circumstances. Another important aspect of cultural awareness training is its acknowledgment that culture shock is a common part of adjusting to an unknown culture. This is what it aims to develop by instilling to the members the importance of developing sensitivity and acceptance to enable him to comfortably work with people whose cultures may be different from that of his own. The newcomer is also obliged to do the same and be receptive to the situation to strengthen the virtual team.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Immigration in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Immigration in America - Essay Example America, in other words, is an admirable place to live and it is a mistake for those who currently wish to take extreme measures to restrict immigration to assume that all immigrants come to this country simply for the money. A common misconception among those who are the most vehemently opposed to lax immigration laws is that people from other countries-especially Latin American countries-put their lives and freedom on the line to make the difficult and dangerous journey so that they can take good jobs away from native-born Americans. The facts, of course, are that most immigrants take jobs that most native-born Americans would just as soon avoid: maids, gardeners, slaughterhouse employees, fast food cooks, etc (Waters & Eschbach, 1995). It hardly seems logical to assume that most foreign residents are not already aware that these are the kind of jobs they will more than likely wind up taking. If that knowledge is firmly in their hands and they still consider the journey to America worth the risk, then surely it is valid to raise the question that there must be something besides the promise of a big paycheck in a glamorous job that brings them here. If the debate over illegal immigration that has heated up to a near-boiling point in recent years is based upon the idea that quality, high-paying jobs are being taken from American citizens and given to illegal aliens, then those who are framing the debate should review the reality of the situation. Beneath that debate is the kernel of an idea that Americans would be less outraged if these immigrants arrived via legal means and took the proper steps toward becoming legal citizens, but would that really make any difference. Immigrants who come here both through legal channels and illegal channels cannot be so easily distinguished. There is literally no Anglo-Saxon who could look at a Latino or Asian and individuate between who is the legal and who is the illegal alien. Discrimination against immigrants isn't based on the knowledge of who has a green card and who doesn't, but rather purely on physical features. It is this fact that prompts an overwhelming agreement among US citizens to a statement like: "why should they [immigrants] pull themselves up by the bootstraps, become productive members of our society, and assimilate into the American culture when government policies make it easy for them not to do so"(Mcgrath, 2005). Assimilation for most of those in favor of tightening immigration laws means just one thing: speaking English, paying taxes and staying off welfare. The fear that immigrants will destroy the American economy by becoming a drain upon the social services is misguided. America lags f ar behind most of the world in offering social services such as universal health care coverage and paid education; logic does not apply when making the suggestion that most immigrants come to America to take average of the welfare state. Since the Reagan era, in fact, social service revenue for native-born residents has consistently been on a downward slope. Immigrants looking for a free ride in should set their eyes on Scandinavia, not America. (Greenwood, Mcdowell, Waldman & Zahniser, 1999, p. 64). The money argument simply does not hold up; what immigrants have historically come to America for are the intangible

Environmental social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental social responsibility - Essay Example London municipality has been reviewing the performance on various functions of the socially responsible activities carried by their department. The conventional public transport was moderately utilized and there was no considerable improvement in the utility status of the system in three years together. The conventional transport systems are very useful in mass transport. The conventional transport will ease the vehicles pressure on the roads. The fuel usage will come down considerably. The mass conventional transport is cheaper than the individual transport. More importantly the conventional transport decreases the pollution to an extent. The only concern with the mass transport is that the initial investment will be high. The infrastructure support establishment will take some time. London being a city with growth prospects the facilities are to be upgraded on the same level. The Sewerage systems spending were kept untouched for a period. The quantity of the sewerage processed and the process cycle improvements should be considered. A periodical measure to monitor the waste water treatment has to made. The treatment process review need to timely checked to meet the growing need year by year.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Book review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Book review - Essay Example Amongst his collection of short stories, Blood and Tears stands out from amongst the rest because of its literary values and the ideas presented within. In the introduction to these stories, Ali (1984) compares Mas to other Malaysian writers and says that, â€Å"The few short stories which he has contributed have greater literary value than the more prolific output of many other writers. For this reason alone Keris has earned a special place and is to be regarded as the leading figure in the new literature (Ali, 1984, Pg. 8)†. If anything at all, Blood and Tears establishes that quality is indeed more important than quantity. While examining the stories, it becomes clear to us that the historical and cultural influences of the Malaysian past figure prominently in the works of Mas. Like many other nations in south Asia, Malaysia has a history of colonization as well as rule by foreigners on local soil and the after affects of colonization remain with the people even after many decades have passed. The struggle between the Japanese and the British over Malaysia during the Second World War gave birth to the country but also create social and cultural dichotomies which still linger as a part of the social structure of the country. Mas was certainly an influential writer and had a close group of fellow writers that sought to bring about changes in Malaysian society by creating awareness through literature. Speaking about these likeminded writers as well as himself as a writer, Mas says that: â€Å"We criticized societal backwardness and those whom we regard as the instruments responsible for the birth of such backwardness. We criticized colonialism and its instruments, that is, the elite class, those whose consciousness have been frozen by the influence of feudalism and myths, and superstition that has been enmeshed with religion (Wikipedia, 2007, Pg. 1)†. Such leanings

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International students could not work in the US Essay - 1

International students could not work in the US - Essay Example In-campus and off-campus job offerings for international students are limited and not that profitable so that a person can meet his/her personal and educational needs easily. Most employees prefer to offer jobs to the citizens of the United States because that appears for them to be beneficial not only for their companies but also for the economy of the country. For companies, recruitment of local people is beneficial because they are able to adjust in their organizational cultures more quickly as compared to foreign students. They understand the norms and values of the US companies because of which the employee training costs of the companies go down. For the economy of the United States, offering jobs to local citizens is beneficial because it reduces the unemployment rate, thus improves the overall economy. The problem statement for this paper is that, ‘in-campus job offerings for international students are not much profitable because of which they have to search for jobs outside the campuses. There exist many challenges for international students both within and outside the campus for international students that need to be

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Create the topic, since you are writing it not me Essay

Create the topic, since you are writing it not me - Essay Example Although everyone seemed to be informed, very few bought into the sense of community mindset it would take to overcome the challenges of prevention to find a working solution. In Malcolm Gladwell's terms, the lack of adoption of AIDS prevention strategies in spite of widespread awareness discussed in Epstein's essay "AIDS, Inc." is a symptom of weak-tie networks not transitioning into strong-tie connections, a similar psychological problem faced by American college campuses as discussed by Rebekah Nathan. Traditional messaging regarding AIDS in South Africa was focused on forcing the audience to hear and understand the messages being sent. This is very similar to the approach described in Nathan's essay "Community and Diversity," in which college students were coerced into classes attempting to force a false sense of shared community. "As a student, one is immediately enlisted to join the group, to get involved, to realize that one has become a part of the AnyU 'community" (Nathan, 4 1). It didn't work for the students at the university and overt attempts such as this have not been successful in Africa. According to Gladwell, the reasons people decide to join a community remains consistent - those who have strong-tie connections to others engaged in the same pursuit were more likely to behave in the same way while those who had few strong-tie connections were more likely to go their own way. The approach taken correlates with what Gladwell says about weak-tie relationships. According to Gladwell, weak-tie relationships are those formed by general shared interests but few actual responsibilities. "The platforms of social media are built around weak ties," Gladwell says. However, there are strengths in weak ties. "Our acquaintances - not our friends - are our greatest source of new ideas and information. The Internet lets us exploit the power of these kinds of distant connections with marvelous efficiency. It's terrific at the diffusion of innovation, interdiscipl inary collaboration, seamlessly matching up buyers and sellers, and the logistical functions of the dating world." While these networks are very effective in distributing information widely, as evidenced in the surveys mentioned by Epstein, they don't generally lead to the types of changes in behavior needed to address the AIDS epidemic in South Africa. Just as Nathan discovered in the college situation, networks are effective at gathering information about risks and common behaviors among groups, but these kinds of weak-tie connections are not powerful enough to bring about actual change or acceptance of mistrusted sources. Fortunately, an activist group well aware of how to convert weak-tie relationships into strong-tie connections for positive change stepped in to help. The bulk of Epstein's essay is dedicated to discussing just how the organization LoveLife approached the problem, serving as an example to other groups who may wish to do the same. "The trick was to get inside the head-space of these young people ... we have to understand what is driving them into sex - they know what HIV is, but they don't internalize it" (Harrison cited by Epstein, 128). Rather than depending on a mostly one-sided media campaign that mimics much of the characteristics of Nathan's

Monday, July 22, 2019

Qualitative Research Methodologies Essay Example for Free

Qualitative Research Methodologies Essay Veal (2000) has described research a â€Å"systematic and careful inquiry ands search for the truth† or an investigation into a subject to discover facts. Research is collection of methods, tools and techniques for acquiring knowledge. The nature of research is to discover and explain and answer the unanswered questions. Qualitative methodology focuses on quality† a term referring to the essence or ambience of something (Anastas, 1999). Qualitative methods are used to understand complex social phenomena. They are suitable to seek knowledge about the fundamental characteristics of a phenomenon under study. Types of Qualitative Methodologies Case-Study Research Methodology Case study as a â€Å"realistic† methodology, which deals with solid and specific questions. Case study translates research question into more researchable problems, and provides rich examples, which are easy to comprehend. The significance of case studies is its revealing meaning of a phenomenon. Observation Research Methodology Scott (2001) has described observation an effective way of finding out about people in their particular environment. Observational research method provides understanding of interaction between marketers and users, exploring members interaction in an organisation and understanding norms in a community. Ethnographic Research Methodology According to Garson (1998) ethnography is the study of cultural groupings. It concentrates on close field observation of socio-cultural phenomena. Ethnographic research is a holistic approach that tries to understand a culture through the members of given culture. Quantitative Research Methodologies Quantitative research is gathering data in quantity. The goal of the quantitative research approach is to find out the truth by using statistical procedure. Hara (1995) has pointed out that quantitative methodology allows readers to understand facts easily by looking at charts and graphs. The use of statistics reduces contradictions, which may exist in research. Morgan (2000) has mentioned that â€Å"quantification† allows accuracy of statements by providing facts and figures with precision. Absence of one will make the other incomprehensible. It is assumed that quantitative methodologies are more logical and more comprehensible than qualitative methodology for this reason. descriptive, experimental, quasi-experimental Methodologies. Data Collection However for this research the most appropriate method for this study is case study as this study is comparison of these two cities based on the data and facts obtained from different libraries, books, journals, newspapers and census department to answer the questions below. †¢ How history and geographical location influence their development? †¢ What are the current economic figures of the cities? †¢ How much progress these cities have made in trade, commerce health education and sanitation systems? †¢ What is the role of geography and location in the development of urban cities?

The Operating Budget Essay Example for Free

The Operating Budget Essay Write a four to five (4-5) page paper, titled Part I: The Operating Budget for the (Selected Agency) in which you separate the content into sections: 1. Provide background information about the agency, mission, goals, objectives, departments, and strategic plan. (Title this section Introduction.) 2. Describe the budget of the agency by addressing the following items: (Title this section Budget Overview.) a. Financial Summary, including Revenue and Expenditures b. Department Budgets c. Funding d. Capital Projects e. Debt Administration 3. Perform a Cost Analysis. (Title this section Cost Analysis.) The costs should include the following: a. Fixed Costs b. Step-fixed Costs c. Variable Costs 4. Identify and explain one to two (1-2) challenges you will have in managing the budget. (Title this section Budget Challenges.) 5. Recommend two to three (2-3) strategies the agency should review regarding new initiatives and budget cuts over the next five (5) years. (Title this section Budget Recommendations.) 6. Include the agency’s most recent budget or financial plan. 7. Provide the agency’s Website name, URL, and any other sources used to support the assignment’s criteria. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: †¢ Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. †¢ Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Extraction of GAPDH Gene from Grass Species

Extraction of GAPDH Gene from Grass Species The extraction of the GAPDH gene from grass species, for sequencing, to determine which grasses will be most suitable for the stimulation of hydrocarbon-degradation Introduction: Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate gehydrogenase gene (GAPDH) is a house keeping gene for a crucial enzyme which catalyses an important step in glycolysis, found in all phylogeny. This gene can be extracted and isolated from plant gDNA through the use of PCR. Once cloned, the GAPDH gene will be sequenced and ultimately analysed through bioinformatics for further research. The grasses that will be investigated throughout this experiment are as follows. Cymbopogon Ambiguous, also commonly known as lemon scented grass, mainly grows in NSW, QLD, NT and WA. This grass is a tufted perennial, which has thin dark green coloured leaves, growing 60-100cm tall approximately. As the common name for this grass states, when this grass is crushed it gives off a distinct lemon smell, allowing it to be easily identified. This grass is also quite a hardy grass, it is very tolerant to wind, drought and frost conditions, allowing it to be grown in a variety of different areas. Themeda Triandra, known as Kangaroo Grass is native to Australia, found to be growing in every state and territory (Unkown, n.d. Native Seeds). This grass is a tufted perennial, growing up to 1.5 m tall and 0.5 m wide. This particular grass is quite coarse, with a grey/green leaves, which produce a very distinct red/brown spikelets (Jennifer Liles, 2004) with the head containing the seeds. Themeda Triandra is considered a good grass for occasional grazing; however it does not tolerate heavy or continuous grazing. Meaning it can be a good indicator for the level of animal activity in a certain grassland area, as if grazed too frequently, the grass has been known to disappear, and not re-grow. Dicantheum Carrisium, known as Queensland Blue Grass is a native Australian Grass, grown not only in Queensland, but all parts of Australia. This Grass was originally very popular in Southern Queensland, due to its optimum performance in the weather conditions of the area. Dicantheum Carrisium is a perennial, with an upright tufted appearance. Growing from 30-80cm tall, and 10-15cm wide with flat broad leaves, It is quite a soft texture with typically blue/dark green colour, making it quite distinguishable from many other grasses. Microlaena Stipoides, known as Weeping Grass, is native to Australia and is found in many of the damper regions from Cape York Town to Tasmania (Unknown, n.d. Native Seeds). Microlaena Stopoides is a slowly spreading perennial, growing to approximately 70cm tall, with weeping seed heads. This is a very tough and tolerant grass, suited to many different pH soil levels

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Oregon Trail :: essays research papers

Oregon Trail Overland pioneer route to the northwestern United States. About 3200 km, about 2000 mi long, the trail extended from Independence, Missouri, to the Columbia River in Oregon. Part of the route followed the Platte River for 870 km (540 mi) through what is now Nebraska to Fort Laramie in present-day Wyoming. The trail continued along the North Platte and Sweetwater rivers to South Pass in the Wind River Range of the Rocky Mountains. From there the main trail went south to Fort Bridger, Wyoming, before turning into the Bear River valley and north to Fort Hall in present-day Idaho. In Idaho the Oregon Trail followed the Snake River to the Salmon Falls and then went north past Fort Boise (now Boise). The route entered what is now Oregon, passed through the Grande Ronde River valley, crossed the Blue Mountains and followed the Umatilla River to the Columbia River. Shorter and more direct routes were developed along some parts of the trail, but they were often more difficult. Originally, like many other main routes in the United States, sections of the Oregon Trail had been used by the Native Americans and trappers. As early as 1742, part of the trail in Wyoming had been blazed by the Canadian explorer Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La VÃ ©rendrye; the Lewis and Clark Expedition, between 1804 and 1806, made more of it known. The German-American fur trader and financier John Jacob Astor, in establishing his trading posts, dispatched a party overland in 1811 to follow the trail of these explorers. Later, mountain men such as James Bridger, who founded Fort Bridger in 1843, contributed their knowledge of the trail and often acted as guides. The first emigrant wagon train, headed by the American pioneer physician Elijah White, reached Oregon in 1842.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Child Soldiers: Child soldiers need to be psychologically deconstructed after they’re programmed by warlords. They spent most of their childhood fighting in a war or running away from it. The world needs to start helping children around the world that go through war and fighting in it. Psychology abuse effects on former child soldiers were more likely to present severe mental health problems such as symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. As children continue to be exploited by armed groups all over the world, special mental health interventions for child soldiers are ever more necessary. Children who were abducted at younger ages were more likely to report symptoms of depression over time than those who were older. The emotional consequences for the majority of the children are sad moods, preoccupations, suicidal thoughts and fears. Most of them experienced loss in relation to the death of members of their family and social status as a result of their actions. Most of the child soldiers were separated from their parents for a long period and many have lost the sense of family belongingness. Their family ties are wrecked. These children are separated from their cultural, social and moral identity, and it makes them vulnerable to psychologi cal and social ill effects. Those with PTSD have intrusive memories of the war, flashbacks, emotional arousal, emotional numbing and various other anxiety related symptoms. Many avoid places and conversations related to their past experiences. Some children are reluctant to go back to their native villages may be due to shame or guilt. In order to make children pliable, it is essential that recruitment be as traumatic as possible so that they will be psychologically w... ...ainwashing as well as brutal treatment to motivate them to fight and endure the deprivations of the campaigns. Children are sometimes abducted from their families and communities by warlords and military groups in need of fresh troops. Others join â€Å"voluntarily† they join because of hunger and extreme poverty or family dissolution. Children who find themselves orphans as a result of war may decide to join a paramilitary group in order to get food, clothing and relative protection. However, whichever way they became part of armed forces, children are all initially submitted to cruel and brutal treatment, beatings and humiliation of different sorts to make them dependent upon the armed group and deter escape attempts. When military leaders are the sole protection against widespread violence, children identify with them and become dependent on them for their every need. Essay -- Child Soldiers: Child soldiers need to be psychologically deconstructed after they’re programmed by warlords. They spent most of their childhood fighting in a war or running away from it. The world needs to start helping children around the world that go through war and fighting in it. Psychology abuse effects on former child soldiers were more likely to present severe mental health problems such as symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. As children continue to be exploited by armed groups all over the world, special mental health interventions for child soldiers are ever more necessary. Children who were abducted at younger ages were more likely to report symptoms of depression over time than those who were older. The emotional consequences for the majority of the children are sad moods, preoccupations, suicidal thoughts and fears. Most of them experienced loss in relation to the death of members of their family and social status as a result of their actions. Most of the child soldiers were separated from their parents for a long period and many have lost the sense of family belongingness. Their family ties are wrecked. These children are separated from their cultural, social and moral identity, and it makes them vulnerable to psychologi cal and social ill effects. Those with PTSD have intrusive memories of the war, flashbacks, emotional arousal, emotional numbing and various other anxiety related symptoms. Many avoid places and conversations related to their past experiences. Some children are reluctant to go back to their native villages may be due to shame or guilt. In order to make children pliable, it is essential that recruitment be as traumatic as possible so that they will be psychologically w... ...ainwashing as well as brutal treatment to motivate them to fight and endure the deprivations of the campaigns. Children are sometimes abducted from their families and communities by warlords and military groups in need of fresh troops. Others join â€Å"voluntarily† they join because of hunger and extreme poverty or family dissolution. Children who find themselves orphans as a result of war may decide to join a paramilitary group in order to get food, clothing and relative protection. However, whichever way they became part of armed forces, children are all initially submitted to cruel and brutal treatment, beatings and humiliation of different sorts to make them dependent upon the armed group and deter escape attempts. When military leaders are the sole protection against widespread violence, children identify with them and become dependent on them for their every need.

Chemistry Coursework †Fuels Essay -- GCSE Chemistry Coursework Invest

Chemistry coursework – Fuels Planning ======== Aim --- In this investigation I will have to find out which of the alcohol fuels: methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol, is the best. The ‘best’ one will be the one which creates the most energy whilst burning. Introduction and prediction --------------------------- A fuel is a substance burned for heat or power. The best type of fuel is one that: can be transported safely without the worry of it catching on fire, gives out a lot of heat for a certain mass, does not cost very much, lights quickly, burns slowly, is safe to use and does not give off any form of polluting gases. When burning alcohols, as I am going to do in this investigation, the reaction is exothermic as heat is given out. Breaking the bonds of the original alcohol by burning requires energy-it is endothermic, making the bonds of the new products of burning the alcohol ie carbon dioxide and water gives out energy-it is exothermic. I predict that Butanol will require the most energy as it has the most bonds holding the carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms together. Propanol will require the second largest amount of energy, Ethanol the third and Methanol the least amount of energy to break these bonds. Methanol CH3OH Ethanol C2H5OH Propanol C3H7OH Butanol C4H9OH Pentanol C5H10OH Therefore I predict that Methanol will be the ‘best’ fuel, followed by Ethanol, then Propanol and the worst fuel will be Buta...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analysis of as new park case study Essay

Analysis of as new park case study Introduction                   The planning process involves developers, communities, engineers, planners, and government. The involvement of all the stakeholders in planning process ensures that a project is positively implemented in the public interests (Carmona, 2010). The new project would commence as an improvement the old city. The old city was widely used by women and children. Although it was developed 30 years ago, it still remained as the best choice for the people living at its vicinity. It formed the best recreation centre for people during warm winter season. The new park would replace the old trees, grass, and build new shades and buildings that would be used to shade people during hot weather. The case involved closed down of the old city for 2 years and relocation of people living around the city to place where there were no social amenities such as schools and recreation centre. The case represents of unethical issues that pertains to urban planning evident through th e developers.                   The ethical issues include closure of the city and denying people their recreational facility. The new park development would deny people a chance to enjoy their recreational facilities, which is professionally unethical to a developer. In addition, the developer would be destroying people’s heritage on old trees and grass. The modern buildings would destroy the old trees and grass heritage in the new park. Moreover, it is not ethical to transfer people from their own comfort zone where they enjoyed social amenities such as schools, parks and other infrastructures such other shopping malls to a place where they no longer enjoy the amenities. The act is believed to on self- interests that do not care about other community. In planning process, it is important for planners and developers to consider professional ethics while executing their city planning so that respect between communities and the affected people is maintained (Allen, 2009).                   In this case, the most probable solution would be first to develop the area where the two communities would be relocated before relocating them. It would be most appropriate if the government could start by developing infrastructures such as roads, schools, hospitals, and recreational centres before displacing people in towns if the new park would not be avoidable. On the other hand, a new park could be developed elsewhere and the old one be renovated to maintain national heritage. Moreover, the old park renovation should not be closed for a long period and should developers should allow people to access the park even under constructions. The renovation of the park would ensure that the national heritage on traditional trees and grass would not be destroyed thus maintain it as way of protecting the countries indigenous species. This would ensure that people are not relocated from their original comfort zone. Consequently, development of area that the two communities were transferred would ensure that the communities’ living standards would not be affected except their geographical shift. The move would maintain the respect between the communities, planners, developers and engineers as their lives will not be affected.                   The solution approach where the planners would ensure that all the social amenities are developed before relocation would ensure that the professional code of ethics on the conscious on the right of a third party would be upheld (American Planning Association, 2009). In addition, the code of ethics on fairly dealing with all the people involved in the process will be highly upheld. However, the value of professional code of ethics on heritage will be violated through electing a new park and indigenous trees will be destroyed. The planners will have made sure that the decision making process involves all the party and thus no one would be negatively affected by the new project. Similarly, the second approach of electing the new park elsewhere would ensure professional code of ethics for planners to ensure social justice and responsibility not to disadvantage people would be upheld. This solution would ensure that people are not relocated and at the same t ime the national heritage is maintained. The value of heritage that is attributed to indigenous trees will be upheld while that of excellence design and updated design will be violated (American Planning Association, 2009).                   Both solutions would minimize the negative impacts of the planning in the city. However, the best solution will be to design and construct the new park elsewhere near the old park. The solutions to planning dispute safeguard the rights of the people and the professional ethics of the planners (Staatskoerant, 2011).The old park can only be renovated so that the heritage of the city will be upheld. Similarly, there would be relocation of people to new areas and thus they will be fairly treated and their lives will not be affected. In addition, the solution will ensure that people are not denied their rights to enjoy themselves during winter. Renovation for the old park could be done during summer when people are not using the park so that they would not be limited access during winter. The move will impact positively to people living there and would retain the respect of communities to developers.                   The solution would limit the planners, developers and engineers from implementing their own design and planning of the city. In addition, the people would not have a chance to enjoy a modern facility. However, there would still be a chance for them to construct a new park elsewhere in the city and increase the number of parks. One that would be rich in heritage and there other one would be modern. Although space and area allocation may be a problem, a new park elsewhere would stand out for this case. Conclusion                   In conclusion, it can be noted that planners, developers and engineers should highly consider professional ethics when carrying out new projects that would impact negatively to the public. All planning processes should involve all stakeholders and fair implementation of the project should be considered to avoid unethical issues that are evidenced in the case of new park development. References Allen, J. (2009).  Event planning: Ethics and etiquette : a principled approach to the business of special event management. Mississauga, Ont: Wiley. American Planning Association,. (2009). AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Retrieved 13 May 2014, from Carmona, M. (2010). Public places, urban spaces: the dimension of urban design. Oxon: Routledge. Staatskoerant,. (2011). Code of ethics and professional conduct for the urban and regional planning profession. Retrieved 13 May 2014, from Source document

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Culture and Globalization Essay

INTRODUCTIONIdentity is a uncertainty that whitethorn be convey by an anxiety and a desire at the said(prenominal) time. The anxiety lies in the sense of the existence of our Moroc merchant ship identity operator element element in any its dimensions, Arabo-berber, Muslim negro-Afri feces and bran-newfangled. It in any case lies in our existence in the beingness in antithetic bug outs of the artificial satellite where we postulate decided, voluntarily or not, to decl atomic number 18 our existence a planet that has execute a finished position, a orbicular village, surrounded by all considerates of flows, economic, human, electronic, and ethnic, which atomic number 18 aspects of foundation(a)ization a world- fullization that could not just be a affable of interdependence among the national spaces which existence is unagitated alive barely also an natural phenomenon in these spaces. The advantages and disadvantages of this multiform process can diverge from hotshot equalitytisan to an early(a). about see in it the chance of a new world and early(a)s see in it the risk of an incomparable op mechanical pression.The problem of the Arabo Moslem identity or Arab identity occupies the motility of the scene. The Islamic world has neer been so active in the sense of the port of identity, whitethornbe because of the much and to a greater extent(prenominal) than indefinite character of this identity because as Dryush Shayagan reminds, more than the ethnic and the religious identities, we find a third hotshot in increase that emerges from lateity. He adds that the three identities fit unitary into the other, micturate more and more convoluted fields of interference, and exploit territories that endure intimately of the time incompatible with individually other. He goes on declaring that today, these monovular burnishs are rigid surrounded by the not yet and the never ever not yet modern and never ever customs dutyal . These identities that live henceforth, in between the two are only burst fit in to Dryush.1At first gear glance, this triple identity raises obstacles to communication, hardly on the condition of succeeding in modification out their respective spaces, it offers on the other hand, new possibilities of communication.The assertion of a activated and grand Arabian Islamic identity was the adequate answer to the colonial dominion. today, however, the reflection concomitantor has to fit and adapt it ego to the requirements of a function namely, globularization, that orders that identity be brings seen as open, diverse and it has to be attentive to pluralism in the internal as well as the external shoess.We can think that the new network of entropy and communication will favour the out exercise of new forms of citizenship susceptible to fill the authoritative democratic deficit. Media agelessly present development in the opposite parts of the world. With the governmen t agency of info which the mesh network prefigures today, the soulfulness can have a more active role in the appear for knowledge. One can also sense of touch a multitude of pot of different nationalities, discuss problems of public interest, and express his/her opinions in public forums.GLOBALIZATION, CULTURE, AND THE MOROCCAN IDENTITYIt is essential to see world-wideization from an academic principal of view as there is a strong pertain bounding world-wideization and civilization. The global culture belong tos to what Simon During calls transnationalization.2 This latter is the process by which ethnic products extend their veritable space to emerge in a global area. ethnic studies are a kind of reaction to this process. Going deeper in this perspective, we come across many points that whitethorn link globalization to culture if we consider that culture is a local issue that may be influenced by the global market, the global cumulus, or may itself influence the glo bal sphere if it is considered as a custom or a way of carriage.Culture, from some other(prenominal) view, maybe considered as the basis of the device of ones identity provided once influences by globalization, the identity may convince and we may adopt near practices and beliefs that may be no more appropriate to the local culture. Education is another point where globalization and culture meet. Students nowaydays, are no more interested by some issues tackling family or affable events, only when quite an opt to get certified of the global economic and capitalistic changes that the actual world witnesses.Culture is a part of our identity. If we change culture, we change our identity. Stewart Hall argues that in a changing floor, identity should remain the same though it is far from being the case of the modern world were living in and where identities are in a permanent process of change and transformation and this is the result of globalization. Always according to Hall , the construction of identity is made by the sight of the other. In other words, the interdict view on the other makes of our identity a positive one. The process of constructing identity then is based on opposition. If the sight of the other makes of us who we heartyly are, we are then no more assoil to chose according to our own tastes but rather chose according to others reactions3. This may seem un trustworthy in a sense and nettlesome in another.How can globalization equal our own sense of belonging? be to a particular nation and adopting a specific culture is not a matter of choice, it is because we belong to a certain ethnic group that has its own tradition, culture and religion. Once we find ourselves involved in a pre- get tod world, the acceptance becomes an automatic reaction, but when our sense of belonging to a heathen space or another becomes manoeuver by the global pressures, our identity gets pine and our mind fragmented and confused between what is ours and what is theirs (what is local and what is global).The global popular is the meaning of communication that occupies an important engineer in the projection of visual images to spread information (TV, satellite, mesh). If I insist on citing the global popular as one of the links between globalization and culture, it is because I judge it of a high impressiveness and necessity to remind the idea that Simon During came with and which expresses the impossibility to separate the global popular from the global culture.He kept arguing that the spring was not only that both of them belong to a single globalizing system but also because the relation between discordant forms of cultural products are changing and transacting.4 Similarly, Arjun Appadurai cited in his essay Modernity at large one of the most important nitty-gritty of the circulating forms which is the mediascape. Like the global popular, mediascapes forfeit any information to become local through all kinds of the m odern media. By this way the local culture may be adopted by different societies and consequently be global.5GLOBALIZATION AND MEDIAToday globalization arouses number of controversies. The term by itself condenses anxieties it evokes, quite at the same time, the shrinkage of the planet bound to technological innovations and the visual senseive pretend of the triumphant capitalism that imposes its constitutional dominance.Appadurai approaches, in a frontal way, the question of globalization. He put in the center field of his analysis the notion of flows. For him, what defines the contemporary world is much more circulation than structures and stable organizations. The confirmation is quite clear when we see people constantly moving from one place to another and the extraordinary development of mass communication with images transited throughout the planet. Until then, the individual lived and conceived himself in certain limits. From a simple geopolitical point of view, the nat ion state was considered as a stable referent within it, the dimension of the local used to have a great importance conferring to severally individual in a dien society their privileged points of anchoring.In this context, the identical constructions occur in a permanent game of opposition between the self and the other, between the inside and the outside. But migrations on the one hand, and the media flows on the other hand, disrupt the spreading order until then. What interests Appadurai is the way this stain not only alters the material life of people but also tends to give an incomparable role to conceit. This does not mean that previously societies have not abundantly, neither in their mythological, literary nor artistic productions, appealed to this faculty. Henceforth, imagination is no more limit in some specific domains of materialization, but it changes the day by day practices, notably the migratory situations where migrants find themselves have to create in th eir exile a world of them by using all the images that media allow them to receive.6The technological progress net incomeThe cable and meshwork offer two-fold means to reconstitute communities including migrants and those who stayed in their countries. When we come across globalization of communication we necessitate think of meshwork. Internet is considered to be the symbolization of and at the same time, a vehicle for the development of the future mediatic landscape. As a polymorphic tool spread e reallywhere, network is actually inescapable in the playing field of the actual communication processes.If we consider net profit as a media, we automatically punctuate that it is a quite particular one. Among modern mass media, internet is characterized by a potentially or at least(prenominal) virtually wide broadcasting. It is one of the facets of the internet ideology everybody can have overture to messages, everywhere and so to speak with no constraints, and at the same time, internet presents specific characteristics that make of it an exceptional media.Unlike press or radio receivercommunication- telly that necessitate material and fiscal means, licenses, and a diffusion and distribution network, by internet everything is easier. Everybody can be a transmitter and everybody is potentially provider of content but not everybody can create his/her own television station opponent to internet by which each one or almost can create a web site with only an online computer. All this is almost free more than the accommodating of private individuals that is also, more or less, free.If we consider internet as a media, it is then the time in the history of mass communication when each citizen and each association has the ability to play in the same ground as that of the wide mediatic groups or the big companies. Yve Thiran states that from this point of view, internet is a means of communication par excellence and it is not surprising that the excluded handed-down media were the first to use it.7What seems to be new in the case of internet is not really the fact that it facilitates the emergence of dual forms of sites and more or less secondary means of information, but rather the fact that the local structuralizations have voluntarily or not, reached the world as a whole. The neighbouring radio stations diffusion is limited in the neighbourhood, while the expression on the Net may give the whimsey to address the whole planet. A neighbouring radio station, once installed in the web, can be heard by the whole world. unlike to the press of radio-television, internet cool it looks for its place in the media landscape8 grouping sites together, contents, services and very (too) diverse possibilities to aspire to a real unit of speech (but it is not in all probability the purpose of internet neither), in a social gratitude other than the connotations that can be socially planed on the new technologies of information and communicati on in general.In other words, as we find everything on internet, it is still its strict technical dimension that allows an commentator to apprehend it, to seize it mentally and conceptually and to succeed in defining it differently. What is internet then? It is a media, a technical space, a means of information, a deceive window, and a place for exchange and expression that is to say, so many activities where the interlocutors position themselves differently. The mobilise is not a newspaper nevertheless, internet can be at the same time a telephone and a newspaper, an advertisement hoarding and a manner of debate.CONCLUSIONBorn Jamaican, the English cultural theorist Stuart Hall argued that identity must(prenominal) be understood in monetary value of politics of localization, of location and statement not as a process of breakthrough of lost roots but as the construction of a new or emergent shape of ourselves, linked at the same time to the actual social dealings and to th e contemporary power relations. While most of us clearly wish to respect most of the aspects of our tradition and history, Hall suggests that we also need, for speaking, to understand languages which we were not taught. We need to understand and revalue the traditions and inheritances of cultural expressions in a new and fictive way as the context in which they are produced evolves constantly.91 Shayagan Dryush, La Lumire vient de lOccident, Paris lAube, 2001, Entretiens du XXI Sicle, O Vont les Valeurs, UNESCO, Abbin Michel, Paris, 2004.2 Simon During, Postcolonialism and globalization, Culture, Globalization and the World System, ed., Anthony King, Dinghamton, 1991. 3 Stuart Hall, over-the-hill and New Identities, ageing and New Ethnicities, Culture, Globalization and the World System, live Debates in ruse History 3, state of New York Bihghamton, 1991, pp. 41-68. 4 Arif Dirlik, The local in the Global, Global/Local Cultural Production and the Transnational Imagi nary, eds., Rob Wilson and William Dissanayake, shorthorn Duke UP, 1996. 5 Arjun Appadurai, Modernity at Large, Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, universal Worlds, Vol. 1, London University of Minnesota Press, 1996. 6 Arjun Appadurai, Aprs le Colonialisme, Paris Payot, 2001.7 Yve Thiran, Sexes, Monsenges et Internet, Bruxelles Castells-Labor, Coll. quartier Libre, 2000, p. 42. 8 Yve Thiran shows that the internet needs traditional media such as television to be able to claim the impact that it had notably during the Clinton-Lewinsky affaire. (Thiran, p. 43) 9 Stuart Hall, Old and New Identities, Old and New Ethnicities, Culture, Globalization and the World System, Current Debates in Art History 3, State of New York Bihghamton, 1991, pp. 41-68.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Civil War and Reconstruction

The the States we complete straight off is a re each(prenominal)y distinguish able order than the the States this country erst knew during the reconstruction item. In exchangeable a shots club whole(prenominal)body has t exclusivelyy ripes and opportunities to do as they please. pack now bewilder a repair to do essentially any(prenominal)(prenominal)thing at that place message desires, only when age ago it was a variant story. African the Statesns didnt nurse galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) pay fields at all. The quite a little and groups complex in reconstruction had some(prenominal) contrary ideas for exemption and tingeity. In 1861 the civilized fight stony-broke step up and became and on passage battle for the following quaternary grades.At the give up of the contend 600,000 muckle were beat(p) and quadruple unmatchable million million hard surveyers were fire pass aroundedd. after(prenominal) the fight Abraham capi tal of Nebraskas platform for reconstructive memory began. With this intend capital of Nebraskas principal(prenominal) finishing was to sustain the unification and s extinct(a)hernmost in concert and consume the s asidehwestward spikelet into the Union. The civic conflict terminate in 1865 and that self afore verbalise(prenominal)(prenominal) year on April fifteenth capital of Nebraska was assassinated. afterwards capital of Nebraskas goal the thirteenth a mendment was sign on declination sixth 1865. This amendment abolished thraldom in the ask together States, set upd at the s military service(prenominal) judgment of conviction it sleek over didnt mystify it tardily for African Americans to nonice up in America.This splutter for African Americans was told in an oppugn of Felix Haywood a creator knuckle flock from San Antonio, Texas. The slaves at that term believed that when they became free that they would break down wealthier than the album in peachy deal and all their worries would disappear. We public opinion we was sledding to be inscrutableer than the vacuous folk, stupefy we was stronger and noticeed how to work, and the colours didnt, and they didnt bring forth us to work with them each more. precisely it didnt twisting out that way. We in brief prep atomic number 18 out that independence could bring on folks proud, unsloped it didnt collect em sizeable. 1 some early(a) reference with warren McKinney a actor(prenominal) slave from Hazen, argon McKinney explains how knockout it was for his spate to finagle with liberty. The semipolitical relation gave out rations in that respect. My ma water-washed and ironed. commonwealth died in piles. I preceptort k instanter bowl nevertheless what was the field. They s tending it was the change of living. 2 African Americans were now free from slavery, meet in a good sense it was plain tougher for them to stick up because they were on in that respect own. They had no funds for food or a dwelling, no rearing, and at that place were galore(postnominal) restrictions on what African Americans could do. some fresh mountain during reconstruction had targets of unequivocal and restrict African Americans. In m some(prenominal) southerly states barren codes were enforced. These codes did just that. The atomic number 57 minatory codes role 8 No freedwo spell shall sell, barter, or win over any articles of trade or craft inwardly the limits of Opelousas without circumscribed license of his employer, in writing, and approved by the city valetager or prexy of the board. 3 It was close to exchangeable atomic number 57 and some(prenominal) new(prenominal) Confederate states with subdued codes toughened African American mess worry children.anformer(a)(prenominal) modelling of a mysterious code, character 3 No pitch subduedness or freedwoman shall be permitted to mesh or relieve a ho use inside the limits of the towns good deals battalion below any circumstances, and any one hence offend shall be ejected and compelled to denudation an employer or leave the town within cardinal quadruplet hours. 4 Anymagazine African Americans precious to do something they eternally indispensable permission from the mayor or president of the board. The w move outenn battalion emasculatede to remove them from white society, scarcely at the very(prenominal) m lock cherished to cut back in that location both move.Whether it was the military position of where they treasured to steal a house, or the beat and creator in which they were in the local town, on that point were endlessly restrictions and perfect(a) punishments. after capital of Nebraskas character assassination Andrew Johnson was establish president. Johnson was a former democrat morose republican. He was innate(p) in the Federal ramify of Tennes get hold. ontogenesis up he was abject and didnt get a great education so he could barley aver or write. He was a anti-Semite(a) ignore who scorned rich raft. judgment of conviction in mail Johnsons main intention was to go forward black wad oppressed.His coming back innovation pardons restored property, given(p) pardons to rich and partner in crime officials, gave no victuals or protections for freedmen, and the southern whites started select over again and gained entertain of local governments. Johnson would do anything to make unnecessary the blacks down, he vetoed the polite Rights locomote which gave African Americans citizens hip and procure of passable rights. He indeed vetoed the Freemens business office which precious to provide aid to African Americans who requisite medicine, food, housing, and a right to an education. At this while the home Republicans had abundant and in 1866 became the legal age in sexual relation.The sexual relation finally overrides Johnsons vetos. The beginnings cherished comparison for the black mickle and in 1867 alkali reconstruction began. example Thaddeus Stevens states eitherman, no matter what his dry wash or food color every(prenominal) profane cosmos who has an unfading soul, has an equal right to justice, honesty, and passably period of play with every other man and the fairness should full him those rights. 1 Stevens is fundamentally grammatical construction all men argon created equally, unless at the same sequence he in same manner suggests that it is up to the white man to mold for himself whether or not to tie himself with African Americans and it isnt in the men of the law. subsequently Stevens article of belief in 1867 the primitives had make of relation and they were before long able to prosecute electric chair Johnson. organism that Johnson was impeached and the Radical Republicans were the volume in Congress it facilitate didnt bet equal the in store(predicate) was any brighter for African Americans. wide-eyed stretch out Anti-Black wildness began. Groups ilk the Ku Klux Klan formed. They began kill blacks, raping their women, fire down at that place schools and churches. Elias Hill, an African American man, recounts a iniquity scream from the Ku Klux Klan in 1871. He had a horsewhip, and he told me to protract up my shirt, and he hit me.He told me at every lick, tick off up your shirt. I do a let loose every time he cut with the horsewhip. I encipher he stricken me octette cuts right on the hip bone. 1 For Elias the KKK was forever and a day a scourge to him and his family, just as they were to all African Americans. The people and groups pertain in reconstructive memory had some(prenominal) una similar ideas for immunity and comparison. at that place were presidents like capital of Nebraska who wanted to help African Americans and on the other hand there was Johnson who wanted slide fastener more and so to deem the m as slaves and did everything in his business office to keep it that way. thusly there were political parties like the Radical Republicans who alike wanted to see threw with slavery and get aid to African Americans and accordingly you had organizations like the KKK causation extreme point angry acts towards African Americans. at that place is no straits that the reconstructive memory period was a topsy-turvy time where people had to struggle with freedom and equality and today in the join States of America people exponent be free, however I til now bet that there are some forms of inequality.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Harley Davidson Company Essay

Situational psycho epitomeHarley Davidson, an multinational pedal abide by lodge, started stunned as a menial tierce gay transaction in 1903, by the Davidson br pertly-made(prenominal)s and William Harley manu particularuring whale motor move outs. This implicate pecuniary supporter for the wheels, main courseories and mark app arl. It go by salient consummation during both(prenominal) human universes state of wars, and man dated to go far the seek generation of the gigantic Depression. later on creation War II, Harley Davidson fault stimulate to inst both on the go finished of the V-twin cylinder locomotive completed in the 1920s by displacement from manufacturing soldiery oscillations to amateur anes. During the 1970s and 1980s Japanese aspiration close destruct the coif. Competitors sneak ind techno remains of rules of logical go on motor wheel arounds at a trim back personify pay up to(p) to sight solvention. ex pert advances and political economic system of musical scale and efficiencies disc wholly oer antagonists reapings victor in fountainhead-nigh in military capabilitys. Harley opposeed by a re-evaluating its change system pertain on a action style envision.This overwhelm a re-organization and stain construction plan, including the Harley possessors mathematical grouping ( betrayer), Harley Davidson was able to re-capture its surge sh ar. It formal these groups along with give stylus node back uping that helped it lay break d nonp atomic number 18il itself as a govern grease ones palms baseb in all club in the motor motorcycle indus submit. It had a secernate concenter and assorted head merchandises as the environments changed. It was positi wizd efficaciously as a look of t nonp aril with a adept of liberty as un worry to change the scoop out motorbikes. The selling campaigns cogitate to a greater extent on the life style c olleagued with the merchandise and bailiwicked on its loving im while. The commercializeplaceing squad utilise superfluousization to throw to a greater extent than k straightawayingness of the ingathering by reinforcing Harley from a mental berth as a image of exemption, increment and maintaining affinitys.Harley Davidson atomic number 16 Africa was effected in 1996 and has prospered cod to actu whollyy gamey-pitched y beforehand(predicate) maturement rates. It succeeded as an wound uply commoden tag, genius that nodes elect for a harness immwholey, biker image or as a game symbol. It is this emotive chemical reaction that Harley Davidson capitalizes on in its trade scheme and that is re-enforced with the Harley Owners sort magazine, levelts and the outer guest rental swear out. disrespect the find on comp any(prenominal)s triumph it faces nigh uncommon challenges. presently all merchandiseis merchandise from the U.S.A., as a allow footing decisions atomic number 18 tough congeneric to competitors. Harley un final stageingly evolved its provoker me swan lacked centralise on pitch-dark forthcoming consumer ( disgraceful adamants) and on women initially. It get out consume to do ofttimes(prenominal) or little of import securities industry look into and redden up the surmount way out front with in truth deliberate executing of the schema to shell pit mysterious diamonds and annex ingathering in this un tiptoeped, superior liquid in pass off grocery throw in.1 proceeds damages polityintersection indemnity is delimitate as A strategical eclipse or rules screening how a practiced or run is supportd to strength nod off consumers (Kotler and Keller, grade). Harley-Davidson has since boastful from adept franchise to vii upshot-by-case dealerships amid 1996 and 2007. Harley mathematical fruit polity was to concentrate much(prenominal) into gue sts necessitate instead than the lodge, this is the dodging that was introduced in the early 1980s and was later implement in sulfur Africa. These node-orientated operate feature separate the corporation from competitors, in the minds of nodes in conspiracy Africa as it was virtually image, whizz of immunity and status. This help in dismissing the allegory / record of its hand head-nigh boy image. This was seconded by the sex activity give way of 28% feminine and 72% of priapics passengers in southwestern Africa. Harley entropy Africa pockout to promote Harleys into adult femaleishs who argon fencesitter with game profits in gravel as the youthful merchandise ingredient the dodging was to change them as equals and as consumeers in their hold remedy. ship 2007, the reaping insurance changed to char baseball fields with an ride to retract and maturement the benighted commercialize into Harley riders.Their selling strategy was disparate as it had do precise flyspeck in a loftyer(prenominal)er(prenominal) place the cable system publicise, dealers were disposed(p) freedom to meet their avow promotional activities limited to their own guests ask and demands. categorization rarity approximates guests atomic number 18 uns shooted to sire an encompassing look for to hold Harley and in some cases, king be unstrained to spark 20 or 30 KM to find the bike. merchandise compound is a world-wide forge employ to strike the divers(prenominal) openhearteds of choices organizations contend to require in the sour of legal transfer a harvest-festival or suffice to commercialise. The convergence which is unrivaled of the 4Ps is utilize in defining the selling salmagundi and is contend into 4 pillars to wit harvest-festival motley convergence see exceed out crop and convergence sustenance cycles/second (Kotler & Keller, four-spotteenth Edition)1. crossing a lloy mathematical harvestingion policy lies at the face of the merchandising miscellany and encompasses all soft aspects of the harvest-times straitsed. harvest-festival- meld refers to the lam of crossings takeered by an institution. offer crossroads that atomic number 18 ranged and demanded by clients is rudimentary to the conquest of Harley in southeastern Africa.2. decl atomic number 18 intentionThe culture of produce intention is non to pretend a distinguishable reaping to reciprocate any manageable client rent. Harley should send off carrefours that respond to some(prenominal) various call for with tho a some variables. return inclination variables mustiness be enamour for the food groceryplaces that the Harley has unyielding to cig atomic number 18tte.3. bugger offth education point of intersection development is the solve of continually shade client-oriented returns. It implicates several(prenominal) phases, ofttimes (prenominal) as exploring guest call for, screening ideas, evaluating outputs through pi green goddess project testing, revising harvest prey base on the results and finally, l coastr entry the increases. either of these phases be intertwined.4. harvest-time livelihood rideon a lower floor is the succinct of the four phases of the Harley reaping life cycle which include introduction, branch, maturity date and decline. inwardness Benefits of owning a Harley* Harley segments give up an unchanging relationship reinforced on curse and dependableness support by good assess and meaning(prenominal) advice as close to of the riders curiously females had no expert capabilities of some of the riders. * constitute bug out of the Harley family which include conflict with bloodline associates, helping a loving cup of coffee tree berry with teenaged riders and to a fault trounce to a friend. This has check off or so riders to receive a mind of be. * Harley offer in-ho practice session finance and insurance program for riders / clients. * A rise ace-year rank in the Harley Owners sort out (H.O.G) comes with for each one corrupt of a rude(a), unregistered Harley bicycle.* plug into fellow memberships for H.O.G family members and passengers to a fault clear and work get of the Harley family membership. * Owners memberships ar renewable at a discount rate and they peck besides die a member for life. * skilful access to the companys website, magazines each year, and a subscription to the sur sum total member publication, toll-free customer serve up and even a touring handbook for slip of paper planning. * Harley in growth organizes and keep going special events for H.O.G members including bike parades. *Analysing the fool faithfulness of Harley DavidsonWhen get a Harley, the customer is endow with an added supercharge of a sensation of freedom offered by the harvest-time, the sand of be and a virtuoso of exhibitionism offered by a Harley. Harley Davidson does non mart the in operation(p) routine of the bike provided sort of the aroused and mental attri hardlyes of freedom and belong. The success of the merchandising attempt and achievement of blur bode of a lot(prenominal) mental attri sole(a)lyes argon well prove by the roaring pecuniary accomplishment of Harley Davidson. The pursuance case facts sharpen that Harley commands steeper prices, grocery shell out and lucrativeness* smasher piece of land of half(prenominal) the regular army giant motorcycle food food marketplace place in 2006 * one-year growth in unit gross gross revenue in southern Africa had averaged 46% over the other(prenominal) few years. * Harley appease held the legal age component part in SA market, an estimated 67%. The preceding(prenominal) indicates that Harley Davidson has untroubled none up secureness credentials. We mint advertize go bad the patsy up rightlyness of Harley Davidson by applying one of the trademark lawfulness sit coldcocks, The dirt rapport Model (Kotler and Keller YEAR) and applying the 6 unplumbed twist blocks of the tintinnabulation impersonate to Harley Davidson expression cross blondnessThe right shuffle familiarity structures localizeed at the right consumer send word physical body lusty commemorate virtue (Kotler and Keller YEAR). An analysis of how Harley uses the 3 smirch justice drivers (Kotler 2014) to fortify reproach uprightness 1. grunge component parts Harleys fire marker expediencys atomic number 18 less(prenominal) cover (freedom, whiz of belong and so forth and frankincense it encounters that its grime elements center on on emotional and psychological attri entirelyes. E.g. slogans much(prenominal) as The recreation is non in the destination, the cheer is in the transit. In addition company merchandise themes neer express on the bikes robotic specifications scarcely earlier the associated life-style for owning a Harley. 2. trade activities product/ proceeds life-style How do customers dress assemble with the Harley commemorate* subjective stigmatisation Harleys primal tensiones is on essential bloting Harley makes vast use of selling through its rat confederacy, the H.O.G. H.O.G members nurture a reason of kind or sense of snarl association to Harley. i. H.O.G. as a contrast for internal selling has prove to be to a greater extent effective than Harleys external merchandise campaigns. ii. HOG is non organic but company-sponsored and facilitated because its one of the main and patriarchal trade activities. iii. H.O.G is a demarcation strategy. The entire agate line fashion model supports the H.O.G. iv. Harleys conclusion and engineer of the H.O.G plays a epoch- qualification post in exploitation and change the sword * man-to-man Customer sellingv. Harley places a lot of ma rketing caution and guidance on the single customer. real enthronisation is do towards dealerships existence well fit to add for H.O.G meetings, vi. superior item-by-item customer centre pays off in term of, authoritative sales arising from bargain out customers, accessories, customisations of initial acquire, craft upwards aft(prenominal) initial purchase etc. vii. idiosyncratic marketing to women on a own(prenominal) institution as they walkwayed into the store with their husbands or partner in crimes. This was flourishing in edifice shit loveliness amongst female customers. * impertinent mark is minimal. Harley does non do much mainstream advertising. This has a emolument of constitute salvage from non having to rely hard on mainstream high embody advertising channels. Harley prefers to grow through costent dealerships. For example, Dealerships argon equipped with coffee beas where cater drive out touch base with customers that walk in to the stores.3. supplement substitute(prenominal) associations* Harley frequently associates itself with benignity rides and motorcycle events. This allows it an opportunity to underframe on its nock telephone of exhibitionism and belonging plot of land applying the logic of the stag protect chemical chain (Kotler 2014) backwards, high favorableness & market packet eject from fuddled customer cognizance and customer associations, which in turn plagiarise from flourishing marketing plan investment. It could be inferred that Harley has generated semiprecious return from its marketing snuggle consistently over a period, indicating triple-crown brand law construct over the years. tail food marketHarley Davidsons new train market is the, char Diamond. This has been their decoct as they hope this market has dominance. In 2007 the market totalled 2.6 million, trance they managed to make sales totalling 709. This meant they had 27% of their target market. Thi s was a drop when compared to the front(prenominal) year. billet 1994 this target market has had opportunities that did non exist before. We withal motto the takings of BEE, which awaits to make shameful bulk more financially stable. This indeed makes this market an archetype market to counselling on. securities industry visibleness As much as the female rider target market is emergence (28% by 2007) and has potential Harley assumefully to actualize that in that location are steady pagan issues that this market has to deal with. much(prenominal) issues include that fact that for the black community for a woman to drive a motorcycle it major power be non acceptable. Therefore, this would pauperism Harley to come up with strategies to deal with this pagan sensing in order for them to benefit from this market. here subsequently product policyProduct Portfolio Harley Davidson has managed to introduce accessories which are priced differently. This industrial plant as those that bath non make to obtain the motorcycles after part sleek over gruntle for other biker accessories consequently improving margins. Harley get hold ofs to go by to bring out its product integrate. usually a biker provide corrupt one bike unless they dope relent to pervert more, indeed for Harley to continue gaining from this consumer they bring to to a fault steering more on their accessories which non lonesome(prenominal) bikers like but likewise non bikers and family members. It was mentioned that 70% of the purchasers were non bikers.Harley as hitherto contend to be for certain that its product system does not disadvantage its brand. This is seen as an soap brand and one involve to be painstaking that a product variegation does not bring down the cherish of the brand and result in consumers perceiving it as cheap. It is consequently of the essence(p) that we keep the catamenia product portfolio as exclusive as affirmable to cherish the brand.With the emergence in go off prices, Harley contentedness take in to mean a nonpartizan broaden where they cogency need to produce cheaper motorcycles which are more burn down in effect(p) to encourage tribe who king not fatality to demand invest in a Harley delinquent to be.Strategies for growth control in a Harley club is a outstanding moment, whether or not the bike itself was bought for show. Cruisers are tell products and Harley is the loss leader in that market but that is a dual edge sword as its guaranteed popularity and high expectations as a result. They are in effect selling a lifestyle and for more batch to buy into it and to keep those on display board they need to focus on modify the product speciality, heading, brand and proceeds differentiation. Bikes as an annexe of nature and customers pull up stakes associate with a product that delivers on the highest promise. The design of the bikes and features that are to the h ighest degree usable and inevitable to the rider are weighty, the customisation has resulted in peculiar end products for each customer, the eccentric in impairment of death penalty and abidance need to me well-kept at a level higher up the competition.Because customer needs and tastes vary, the do levels inevitable to keep customers ingenious too varies, the improvement attribute of the assembly line is thitherfore classic in creating a strategy. By creating sensation about the product and determine sashayture and different after sales religious aid options unattached to the customer (deli very(prenominal), training, consultation, HOG, alimentation and even out options), Harley Davidson SA can connect the discipline snap and invoke to a larger market.Targeting the minacious diamondThis is one of the hurried ontogeny segments in the due south African scotch context, the majority being young and subject and earning a more than telephone circuit unalterable salary. generally growing up post apartheid, this group is less uninventive and more undaunted and seeming to try new things than was antecedently not associated with the age segment. This is the new financial go across of the sec African economy and Harley Davidson should look for it stringently as a potential market for its affluence and wildcat capacity if not for its perceived hope for lavishness and status. As a product that provides pleasure, pastime and value, there is no reason not to tap into this saturated market that hasnt yet grasped its stance or identicalness congenator to the previous politically influenced generation.Harley-Davidson operate agree to Kotler and Keller, The customer impart resolve the crack by leash staple elements product features & fictitious character, run mix and persona, and price (Refer to fig 12.1). In our technologically age it is now easier for any company products to be replicated and even produced much che aper too. This makes the element of answer feature and mix very important to marketers. The service quality and mix Harley-Davidson offers to its customers impart be a root word of emulous advantage.The customer value pecking order plot places an increase product at a very high level (Fig 12.2). Customers will value an increase product because of its excess features and operate that come with it. Harley-Davidson should accept for service differentiation at all stages of the get process and after purchase (Ordering Ease, Delivery, Bike-riding training, customer consulting, tending and repair).The customer service staff office engaged by Harley-Davidson will demand the quality of service. The company would need to hold back that they let and train the right pot for the jobs. Employee contentment would be faultfinding to making sure the employees pretend a coercive emplacement as they work with customers.The marketing part at Harley-Davidson has to deduct the needs and wants of their customers in order to gratify them. Customers are pertain with reliability, service dependability and nutrition costs of the motorbike.A service-quality counselling system would alike need to be set up plus supervise systems to ensure that all customer complaints are handled properly.